Best Herbs To Plant Together | Herb Companion Planting Guide - THE SAGE (2024)

Best Herbs To Plant Together | Herb Companion Planting Guide - THE SAGE (1)

So you want to start an herb garden. Do you know which plants you should put in it?

Something new gardeners may not have considered is that, like humans, not all plants play nicely together. Sometimes it’s as simple as one requires more water or sun than another. However, sometimes it can get a little more complicated–did you know that common mint shouldn’t grow in the same pot as peppermint?

Plants that grow well in the same container are called companion plants. More than just having similar environmental needs, companion plants actually help each other flourish, grow and taste wonderful.

If you’re ready to start your own herb garden, here’s everything you need to know about picking the right plants to put in it.

What Is Companion Planting?

Companion planting is a way of planting herbs that involve selecting varietals that are beneficial to each other. This could mean that they enhance each other’s flavor or growth, or they protect each other from pests. It can also mean selecting types of herbs that require similar water and direct sunlight levels or soil makeup.

We recommend companion planting as a standard garden practice, whether you are just growing herbs via container gardening or looking for ways to protect and enhance your larger vegetable garden bed.

What Herbs Can Be Planted Together?

Best Herbs To Plant Together | Herb Companion Planting Guide - THE SAGE (2)

The following list of perennial herbs can all be grown as companion plants, though some may not be good companions for each other. If you are planning out an herb garden, here are your options:

  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Lavender
  • Lemon Thyme
  • Lemon Verbena
  • Marjoram
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Tarragon
  • Thyme


A versatile and delicious herb, basil can be planted with parsley, cilantro, and tarragon.


Known in parts of the world as coriander, cilantro is a great companion to parsley, basil, and tarragon.


There’s no lavender better than home-grown lavender. Delicious as a fresh herb and even better dried, it’s a must-have in your herb garden. Try growing it with rosemary, oregano, sage, thyme, and marjoram.

Lemon Thyme

Lemon thyme has a bright, citrus note, unlike its cousin thyme. It does well with other lemony herbs, such as lemon verbena and lemon balm.

Lemon Verbena

Starting off your morning with fresh lemon verbena leaves in hot water is an unbeatable treat. Good companions include lemon thyme and lemon balm.


Though less known than some others on this list, marjoram definitely has a place in your herb garden. Its medicinal properties have been utilized for centuries, and its pleasing aromatic flavor enhances both co*cktails and entrées. Try planting it with rosemary, oregano, sage, lavender and thyme.


An Italian staple. A good companion for rosemary, marjoram, sage, lavender, and thyme.


Your everyday herb. Plant it in one pot with basil, cilantro, and tarragon.


Rosemary can be tricky with some herbs, but it plays nicely with marjoram, oregano, sage, lavender, and thyme.


The flavors of the holidays, grown fresh in your garden. Try it with rosemary, marjoram, oregano, lavender, and thyme.


A staple of French cooking, tarragon has an anise-like flavor that subtly enhances poultry, salads, and sauces. Plant it with basil, parsley, and cilantro.


The classic savory herb. Plant with rosemary, marjoram, sage, oregano, and lavender.

What Herbs Cannot Be Planted Near Each Other?

While each plant above works well as a companion plant, each isn’t a good companion to all. There are several categories of herbs to stick with when container gardening. You should not plant any plants that fall in any two of the categories below:

  • Moisture-Loving Mediterranean Herbs
  • Dry Environment Mediterranean Herbs
  • Lemon Herbs
  • Minty Herbs

Moisture-Loving Mediterranean Herbs

Your moisture-loving herbs need lots of rain, damp and moist soil to thrive. While some can be planted with dry environment varietals, they do best planted among themselves (with one notable exception!).

This category includes:

  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Tarragon

Dry Environment Mediterranean Herbs

Dry environment herbs love full sun and drier climates. Plant together in dry soil and place the container in a place with lots of sunlight. They, too, do best when planted with other dry environment herbs.

This category includes:

  • Oregano
  • Lavender
  • Marjoram
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Thyme

Lemon Herbs

Lemony herbs are in their own category, but for the most part, they plant nicely with others. The only companion plant to avoid is parsley. Otherwise, you can plant with other varietals that have similar soil and sun needs.

This category includes:

  • Lemon balm (lemon balm)
  • Lemongrass
  • Lemon Thyme
  • Lemon Verbena

Minty Herbs

Minty herbs are tricky. They don’t plant well with other minty herbs and are only good companions to a select group of herbs. You can only plant mint with basil, oregano, cilantro, and dill. They cannot be planted with parsley, rosemary, or other mint varieties.

This category includes:

  • Common mint (spearmint)
  • Catmint (catnip)
  • Orange mint
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon balm (lemon mint)

How To Ensure Your Herbs Will Grow Well Together

Best Herbs To Plant Together | Herb Companion Planting Guide - THE SAGE (3)

If you stick within the categories outlined above, there is no reason not the expect a lovely herb harvest. That said, there are always thing that can increase your likelihood of success. Here are some of our favorite gardening tips for growing your best herbs.

Best containers to plant herbs in?

The container for your container garden can be the difference between a bountiful harvest and a disappointing one. You are looking for a large, sturdy vessel with good drainage and plenty of space for growth.

Gardenuity’s Grow Bags are portable, breathable, and stylish. They are specially designed to last throughout the growing season. Get yours now, and take a step towards a beautiful herb harvest.

See Also

How far apart should you plant herbs?

Most herbs should be planted between four and six inches apart. If you are starting with seeds, bury them about two inches deep. If you are starting with saplings, bury the root system completely.

Common Companion Planting Herb Combinations

Best Herbs To Plant Together | Herb Companion Planting Guide - THE SAGE (5)

With so many different herbs available, it can be difficult to choose which ones you want to grow at home. Here are some of our favorite combinations to get you started.

Basil, Mint, Tarragon & Cilantro

Mint fits well with the moisture-loving Mediterranean herbs. Make sure your container gets plenty of water and not a lot of full sunlight.

Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano & Lavender

This is your best option for drier and sunnier climates. Make sure the soil stays moist, but it’s OK if you miss a day or two of watering.

Lemon Verbena, Dill & Cilantro

Lemon Verbena is prone to spider mites, which are deterred by dill and cilantro. It’s the perfect trio.

Harvesting Herbs

Best Herbs To Plant Together | Herb Companion Planting Guide - THE SAGE (6)

When it comes time to harvest herbs, the methodology is pretty much the same across varieties. Here’s how you’ll know it’s go-time and what to do when it happens.

When To Harvest Herbs

It’s time to harvest your herbs when the plant has enough growth and foliage that taking a little bit of it won’t spell certain death. The sprout should be several inches tall or long, with medium to large healthy green leaves, and it should consist of four to five growing sprigs.

How To Harvest Herbs

Although it’s tempting to just grab what you need, it’s better to harvest herbs by the sprig, not by the leaf. Do not pull the sprigs, as you risk damaging the root system. Take a pair of sharp shears or scissors and cut the stem of the sprig about two inches above the top of the soil.

Herb Harvesting Tips

Only harvest your herbs plants when they are dry, either just after the morning dew has evaporated or at dusk after a rainless day. For culinary herbs, you will want to harvest them before they begin to flower. Once flowering occurs, energy is transferred away from the leaves, which begin to lose flavor. Try to pinch off any flowers that start to bud in order to prevent them altogether.

Herb Recipes We Love!

If you want to make delicious food, you’ve got to use herbs. Here are some of our best herb recipes that celebrate the bounty of your harvest.

  • Herby Garlic Flatbread
  • Cauliflower Tacos with Herb Gremolata
  • Garlic Potatoes with Fresh Herbs
  • Green Goddess Spread
  • Tabbouleh with Fresh Mint
  • Chicken Enchiladas Verde with Herb Sauce

Our Grow Pros Most Frequently Asked Questions

What herbs grow well with basil?

Basil is easy to cultivate and an excellent companion plant to a variety of herbs, keeping pests such as aphids away while attracting pollinators to the herb garden. Try planting basil with chives, oregano, and chamomile. The four together will encourage each others’ essential oils and promote a better-tasting harvest.

Can basil and parsley be planted together?

Basil and parsley have similar sun and watering requirements, making them excellent companion plants.

What herbs can be planted with dill?

Chervil and dill are a dynamic duo, driving away pests that may feast on developing plants. You should not plant dill with certain vegetables, such as peppers, carrots, mature tomatoes, or fennel.

What can you not plant with basil?

Basil should not be planted with rosemary, fennel, or cucumbers.

What to plant with chives?

Chives grow well with almost anything. It does really well with other alliums such as garlic, onions, and scallions.

What herbs grow well together in containers?

Many culinary herbs thrive in containers. Some of our favorites include mint, chives, basil, marjoram, tarragon, cilantro, and parsley.

Start Growing Your Own Herbs!

Ready to start your own herb garden with the perfect companion plants? Gardenuity can take the guesswork out of the equation. We have a herb garden kit with herb pairs that are a match made in heaven!


Best Herbs To Plant Together | Herb Companion Planting Guide - THE SAGE (2024)


Best Herbs To Plant Together | Herb Companion Planting Guide - THE SAGE? ›

Companions: Sage is a good companion to beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, and lettuce. It pairs well with most herbs, including fennel, lavender, lemon balm, lovage, oregano, parsley, rosemary, summer savory, tarragon, and thyme.

What herbs grow well with sage? ›

Companions: Sage is a good companion to beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, and lettuce. It pairs well with most herbs, including fennel, lavender, lemon balm, lovage, oregano, parsley, rosemary, summer savory, tarragon, and thyme.

What not to plant next to sage? ›

SAGE: Use as a companion plant with broccoli, cauliflower, rosemary, cabbage, and carrots to deter cabbage moths, beetles, black flea beetles and carrot flies. Do not plant near cucumbers, onions or rue. Sage repels cabbage moths and black flea beetles.

What herbs are best planted together? ›

Sage, rosemary, thyme, and lavender can all be planted together in the same garden bed as they have similar growing requirements and are known to be complementary to each other. These herbs prefer well-drained soil, full sun exposure, and infrequent watering, making them ideal companions.

Can you plant sage and thyme in the same container? ›

Thyme, rosemary, and sage are great companions as they are all Mediterranean herbs that require similar soil and sunlight conditions. They can be planted together in a garden bed or in pots, and they can help attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies.

What does sage like to grow with? ›

Sage attracts beneficial insects around tomato plants. As for the herb garden, sage can be used as a companion planting next to lavender, lemon balm, lemon thyme, lovage, oregano, parsley, rosemary, savory, thyme and tarragon.

What does sage grow best with? ›

Consider planting and growing sage in a container with rosemary, basil, and other Mediterranean herbs for a fragrant mix. While cooks appreciate the distinctive taste and scent of sage, gardeners also enjoy its velvety, evergreen foliage, and delicate blooms.

What bugs does sage attract? ›

Attracts / Repels: Sage attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies and deters cabbage loopers, cabbage maggots, cabbageworms, beetles, black flea beetles, and carrot rust flies.

What are common problems growing sage? ›

Some possible problems include slugs, spider mites, spittle bugs, root rot and wilt. Some sage cultivars. There are many different cultivars of sage which differ in leaf size, plant habit and leaf color.

Where is the best place to plant sage? ›

Planting. Choose a planting site in full sun, sheltered from strong winds. The soil should be free-draining and never get waterlogged. If your soil is poorly-drained, plant in a raised bed or a container to provide better drainage.

What herbs don't like each other? ›

Tomato Food, 1.5kg
HerbNot compatible with
Dill (Anethum graveolens)Cress (Lepidium sativum), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), caraway (Carum carvi), tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), mint (Mentha)
7 more rows

Which herbs should not be planted together? ›

Plants to avoid

While many herbs grow well together with basil, there are also herbs and plants that you should avoid at all costs! These include basil, cucumbers, sage, thyme, common rue and fennel. Cucumbers tend to compete with basil for resources like water and nutrients, stunting the growth of your basil plant.

What is the best layout for an herb garden? ›

Plant short, shade-tolerant plants beneath taller, bushy plants. When you mix sun-loving plants, put tall ones at the north end of the plot and small ones at the south end, so all will get needed sun. Plant herbs throughout the garden, especially basil, mint, sage, and dill. EXCEPTION: Keep dill away from carrots.

Can sage and rosemary be planted together? ›

Here are some of the best companion plants for rosemary: Sage: Both rosemary and sage thrive in similar growing conditions, making them excellent companions. They also complement each other well in the kitchen.

Can you grow parsley and sage together? ›

Sage and chives are just two of the many possibilities for companion planting with parsley, while you might also stick it near rosemary, thyme, lemon balm, lavender, or basil. Just be sure to separate parsley from mints, as their aggressive growth patterns usually hinder parsley's blossoming.

Are oregano and sage good companion plants? ›

Why it's a Good Companion: Sage and oregano both enjoy full sun and share similar soil needs, which makes them compatible in terms of growing requirements. Additional Benefits: Sage has its own set of beneficial insects that it attracts, adding to the diversity of helpful insects in your garden.

Can I plant sage and rosemary together? ›

Here are some of the best companion plants for rosemary: Sage: Both rosemary and sage thrive in similar growing conditions, making them excellent companions. They also complement each other well in the kitchen.

Do oregano and sage grow well together? ›

Why it's a Good Companion: Sage and oregano both enjoy full sun and share similar soil needs, which makes them compatible in terms of growing requirements. Additional Benefits: Sage has its own set of beneficial insects that it attracts, adding to the diversity of helpful insects in your garden.

Where does sage like to be planted? ›

Planting. Choose a planting site in full sun, sheltered from strong winds. The soil should be free-draining and never get waterlogged. If your soil is poorly-drained, plant in a raised bed or a container to provide better drainage.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.