Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

THE MARION- DAILY CHRONICLE MARCH 7, 1928 FIRST AND BEST AS USUAL Read These CLASSIFIED ADS Regularly -And They Will Pay BIG DIVIDENDS! Clas fied Advertising A PHONE -1-2-3 INFORMATION The Marion Chronicle is 3 member of the Association of. Newspaper Classified Advertising Managers, which includes leading. newspapers throughout the country its aim, the elimination of fraudulent and misleading advertising. The Marion Chronicle, as well as every other of the association, endeavors to print only truthful ads and will appreciate the calling of its attention to any advertisem*nt not conforming to the highest standards of honesty, All ads are restricted. to their proper classification.

The publishera reserve the right to edit or reJect any advertisem*nts and will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Dally rate per line for consecuative insertions: Charge Cash Six 9c 1c Three 10c 8c 10c One WHEN AND WHERE TO PLACE YOUR ADS The Classified 'Advertising Department is situated at 413 SOUTH WASHINGTON ST. This office is open to recelve: advertisem*nts from 8:00 to 5:30 m. daily. All ads received up until 10:30 a.

m. will appear in all city editions the same day; all ads received between 10:30. a. m. and 5:30 p.

will appear in all editions the following day. PHONE YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 123 The Ad Taker will gladly assist if desired, so that -the copy for your ad is prepared in such a manyou, per as to. bring the greatest results for you. 00 CLASSIFIED INDEX ANNOUNCEMENT 2 Card of Thanks 3-In Memoriam -wlowers and Mourning Goods 6-Funeral Directors 6-Monuments and Cemetery Lots 7-Nouces 3 8-Religious and Social Events 10-Strayed, Lost, Found AUTOMOTIVE A Automotive Agencies 11-Automobiles Trucks for for Sale 12-Auto 13-Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 14 Autos for Hire 15-Motorcycles and Bicycles 16-Repairing-Service Stations -Wanted -Automotive BUSINESS SERVICE 18 -Business Service: Offered 9-Building and Contracting 20-Cleaning, Renorating 21-Dressmaking and Millinery 22-Heating, Plumbing, Rooting 23-Insurance and Surety Bonds 24-Launderiuz 25-Moving, Trucking, Storage 26-Painting, Papering, Decorating 27-Printing, Dograving, Binding 28-Professional Services 29-Repairing and Refinishing" 30-Tailoring and Pressing 31-Wanted-Buainess Services EMPLOYMENT 32-Help Wanted- -Female 33-Help Wanted- -Male 34-Help-Male and Female 35-Solicttors, Canvassers, Agents 36 Situations Wanted -Female 37-Situations Wanted -Male FINANCIAL -Business Opportunities 39 -Investmenta, Stocks, Bonds 40-Money to Loan, Mortgages 41-Wanted-To Borrow INSTRUCTION Correspondence Courses 43-Local Instruction Classes: 44-Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 15 -Private Instruction LIVE STOCK 47-Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 48-Horses, Cattle, Vehicles -Poultry and Supplies 50-Wanted-Livestock 61-Articles for Sale 514-Barter and Exchange 52-Boats and Accessories 53-Building Materials 54-Business Office Equipment -Farm and Dairy Products 56-Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers 57- Good Things to Eat 58-Homemade Things 59-Household Goods 60-Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds 61-Machinery and Tools 62-Musical Merchandise 62A-Radio Equipment 83-Seeds, Plants, Flowers 64-Specials at the Stores 65-Wearing Apparel 66-Wanted to Buy PA ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board 68-Rooms Without Board 69-Rooms for Housekeeping 70-Vacation Places 11-Where to Eat 5 12-Where to Stop In Town 73-Wanted-Rooms or Board ESTATE -FOR RENT 74-Apartments and Flats 75-Business Places for Rent Farms and Lands for Rent 76-Garages for Rent 77-Houses for Rent 78 Office and Desk Room -Shore and Mountain--For Rent so Suburban for Rent 81-Wanted-To Rent REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R- -Brokers du Real. Detate82-Business Property For Sale 83-Farma and Land For Sale -Houses For Sale 85-Lots: For: Sale -Shore and Mountain---For Sale 87 Suburban For Sale 88-To Exchange- -Real Estate 89.

-Wanted -Real Estate Auction: Sales Larat Notices Strayed, Lost, Found BULL DOG- Brindle, female; answerg to name of eight months old, bobbed tail, white from forehead to nose, under chin breast all white "legs white, also hind legs white; wore trimmed harness and collarboth locked. Finder phone 1927. 321 South Branson St. Reward. PURSE--Black leather, containing coin purse, billfold; lost between Marion Peru, via Converse and Slocum.

Trail. Phone 2293. Reward TIRE 30x5.25, found on Wabash Ave. 503 Wabash Avenue. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale 11 DODGE--Coupe, 1926; A-1 new.

tires. Marion Nash 610 South Adams St. DODGE- Special Coupe, 1927. Here is a car that. is a better investment than a new car.

Price. $675. months old, driven less than 5,000 miles. Don't overlook: this coupe. Glen Robinson, 104 So.

Washington St. Phone. 162. ESSEX-Coach, 1924. This 6-cylinder car.

with nice: finish, almost new tires all the way around, can be bought with a downpayment of $110 and $18 1 per month for 11 months. Wigger's, on the Square. -Coupe, 1927; fully equipped, bumpers and extra tire. Marion Loan Co. Phone 1300.

FORD- Touring, 1923. Owned by C. P. Rhodes, who purchased a new Chevrolet Coach. Fred Sweetser Motor 201 So.

Wash. St. OVERLAND-1925 4-door Sedan; 5. balloon tires, looks and runs good; down payment, balance in 12 Hartzell Jackson, 106 S. Washington St.

Phone 246. SELECT MOTOR CARS -Ph. 2715. Pulley's, 417 N. Washington St.

SENEFELD SALES Good used cars on convenient terms. 230 West Second St. Auto. Trucks For Sale 12 FORD- Ton Truck. Rademaker Son Bottling Works.

Phone 2240-W. PANEL BODY TRUCK-1926, for sale or 1325 Factory Ave. TWO DUMP TRUCKS--Good tires, and in good condition, with dump beds. Glen Robinson, 104 South Washington St. Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 AUTO GLASS- -Tires, batteries, new and used radiators; all kinds of parts for all cars.

Marion Auto Parts, 845 North Washington St. Phone 1702. ENCLOSURES -Rex type, for Ford roadster and touring car, at a price you can't afford to miss. Ride in safety and comfort. You owe it to yourself.

Come and see us. Klaus Auto Service. Phone 2788. 301-3-6 West Second St. HARTLEY AUTO WRECKING CO.

-Has used parts and glass for all cars. Also -some good- used cars. 2921 So. Adams St. Ph.

2890-W. NEW TIRES--Goodrich Silvertown cord, 29x4.40, cord, $9.25. Oliver's Super Station, South Marion. RED DOG- -Stops-a-Leak Radiator Compound; money back if it fails. used tires, all sizes.

Pulley's, 417 N. Wash. St. Repairing Service Stations 16 AUTO TOPS RECOVERED Glass replaced; enclosures. Harrell Calloway, 1135 So.

Branson St. 2465. AUTO PAINTING -Let us figure your next job. Third St. Auto Paint Shop, cor.

Third Nebraska. BATTERY- And electrical service. We. repair and rebuila all makes of batteries and generators. Hooper Motor 217 W.

Second. BATTERY- Repairing and recharging; called for and delivered. New Exide batteries. Superior Service Station, 510 So. Adams.

Ph. 2904. BATTERY Recharging and rebuilding. Modern equipment. Mack's Service Station, 115 E.

6th Ph. 1564. CADILLAC Paige Jewett Stutz service; battery rebuilding and recharging. Hosier Swoverland, East Eighth- St. FEDERAL TIRES- -And- tire geryice; vulcanizing; free road service.

Marion' Tire: Battery, Seventeeth and Adams. Ph. 1883. -Auto Top Shop. Seat covers made, woodwork installed.

2113 Spencer Phone 2850. WELSH BROS. -For auto painting, tops, curtain work, acytelene welding, general repairing. Eleventh Branson Sta. 4 Wanted--Automotive 17 HOUSE Six rooms, to trade for light coach or sedan, late preferred.

Will give or take ditterence. See Snyder, Marion Garage, cor, Third Nebraska Sts. ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Service Offering a 18 ABSTRACT OFFICE Otto G. Allen, 611 Marion National. Bank.

Phone 1816. COATS- Relined; pressing; quick service, "and money saved, Ph. 1966 for. prices, IDEAL ARCOLA REPAIRS- line. -Baer Sheet.

Metal Works. Phone 824. MORTGAGE EXEMPTIONS--Now to take care of yours The J. W. Ryckman Agency, Marion National" Bank.

PAPER HANGING -Phone. 1000 for a good paper-hanger. SUITS REMODELED--For men and ladies. Cleaning and pressing. Hyman Ganz (Tailor ant Furrier).

307 So. Boots St. Phone 3386. SHOE REPAIR--We are shoe repairers, not shoe cobblers. Star Shoe Shop, 324 South Boots.

St. Dressmaking and Millinery 21 HEMSTITCHING -Pleating. Quick service; work guaranteed. Mamie -Phillips, South Adams St. Phone 1268.

Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22. FURNACE SMOKE. PIPES Hot water coils. Baer- Sheet Metal Works. Phone 824.

Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 CHAS. E. SHULL Auto Insurance. Iroquois Northwestern National. 211 Glass Block.

Phone 148. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 MOVING-Local and long distance; fine equipment. G. A. Lemon, Sixth Branson.

Ph. 192 or 1592. MOVING- STORAGE- Crating shipping; auto repairing. Virgil F. Lemon, office 413 So.

Nebraska St. Phone 1698. MOVING HAULING -Local and long distance. J. W.Esler.

Phone 2641. TRUCKING -And heavy hauling. Special flat bed truck; local and long distance. Son. Phone 1323.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 HOUSEKEEPER -Age 20 to 40, wanted by lone widower; no laundry; good wages to right party. Call at 5. p. m. E.

Lyons, 36th and Lambert Sts. WHITE GIRL WANTED -As housekeeper, who knows how to organize her work, to care for. large home; six in family; no washing; good wages. State age, giving references. Only those experienced need answer this ad.

Box 685, Chronicle. Help Wanted--Male 33 FIVE AMBITIOUS BOYS WANTED--Age 8-12 years, anxious to earn- money- and dandy prizes. Apply at 2110 South Boots St. -Permanent, profitable work; good future; in Marion and vicinity, calling on merchants in all lines of business. Must have good references and some working capital.

Manager, -1208 First Nat'l. Bank Fort. Wayne, Ind. OPERATORS Experienced operators wanted for the following machines; must Internal and external grinders, radial drills, Berret boring mill, all-around gear cutters, men for bulldozers, firstclass punch press men, (toolmakers), milling machines, layout man, turret lathe, engine lathe, blacksmiths. See B.

Gillespie at Hotel Marion, today. SALESMEN--This is an opportunity to those with appearance and initiative to represent a recognized service sold to all classes merchants. Our testimonial 'letters give evidence of the service rendered at the lowest cost to be had, which is in big demand among leading business people. See Mr. Downey, Hotel Spencer, for interview.

Help--Male and Female 34 a week. Man or woman wanted to distribute nationally known food products to steady users in Marion. No experience necessary. Write once. The J.

-R. Watkins 122- 168 E. Chestnut Columbus, 0. Situations Wanted- -Female 36 STENOGRAPHER Write P. position.

0. Box. 173, Jonesboro, Ind. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 PROSPEROUS GROCERY- -Doing a business of $600 a week and growmodeling all the while. Owner's exclusive attention required elsewhere.

Sanders, 212 Glass Block. Open from 9 till 9. Bringing Up Father MOTHER WANTS YOU TO CALL FORMER AT MRS VAN ADDRESS WAGGON'S HIGH AND BRING BOULEVARD- HER HOME I'VE GOT TO THE CALL DE ON LIGHT MISS CA A GOOD SLOGAN "Knowledge is power," said Francis Ba- con. This Classified -Section offers a. wealth of knowledge alout a better home or a better position, about buying and sellpt every sort; a bout ad-vantages that would otherwise pass un-: noticed.

1 I 1. Always the Same--In Service Always Different In Opportunity A-B-C PHONE 1-2-3 FINANCIAL Investments, Stocks, Bonds 39 INVESTMENTSWe recommend and can' furnish Marion Insulated Wire Rubher Company, non-taxable preferred stock, maturities 1932 to 1941. We also secured -d small amount to offer of the Spencer Cardinal Corporation non-taxable preferred stock. H. H.

Blinn Son, Room 26 over Kresge's. Phone 2429. Money to Loan, Mortgages 40 FARM- CITY LOANS- -Million on farms at without commission, for proper security. Best I know of to buy, build, repair or renew. Straight loans or monthly.

pay-. ments. Sanders, 212 Glass Block. Open from 9 till 9. to: $300, on household goods, pianos, autos, 20 months to repay.

Legal Loan S. Side Square, Phone 142. LOANS--Made quickly on security banks refuse. Clupper Loan N. E.

corner Third and Wash. Sts. LOANS--Farm and city; full line of fire insurance; complete coverage of auto insurance. Let us serve Winters 503-4 Glass Block. WE RE RE-FINANCE-Auto balances on smaller payments.

Phone 1300. Marion Loan 207 Iroquois Blg: WE RE Automobiles purchased on. installment plan. American Security street floor, Glass Block. INSTRUCTION Instruction Classes 43 SEND -FOR SUCCESS- A magazine for future executives, both young men and young women.

See, write, or telephone, James T. Maher, Manager, Marion Business College. LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 BELGIAN POLICE DOG Mrs. Pursley, 31st and Poplar Sts. CANARIES Several kinds; reasonable price.

603 East Wiley St. MERCHANDISE Articles For Sale 51 BABY CARRIAGE Lloyd; blue, almost sell cheap. Ph. 1134-W. GLASS COUNTERS Three; one large wall case; store lighting fixtures; three hot water radiators; cheap.

Inquire Butler Music Co. SEWING MACHINE: Drop head "Singer," condition; $15. 2431 S. Adams St. 1512-W.

Fuel, Feed. Fertilizers 56 KENTUCKY ton; Ky. Lump $6.75. Grant Coal 215 E. Bradford St.

Phone 3022. Good Things To Eat 57 POTATOES -Eating or seed; $1.50 per bu. E. H. Carter, 3 miles so.

of College on Strawtown pike. POULTRY -And fresh eggs at all -times. -Meyers' Market, at- Clover Leaf Cream 110 E. Sixth. Household Goods 59 BABY BED -Mattress, good condition; $10.

3903 South Landis St. Radio Equipment 62A RADIOLA 28-Light socket, 8-tube; model 100. Radiola speaker; -also Victor Console phonograph, excellent condition; cheap. Phone 1704. TROUBLE SHOOTING -That's my line.

Kaufman Radio Service. Phone 1905. 110 South Adams St. MERCHANDISE Radio Equipment 62A WINDSOR -Cone Speaker. Everybody is talking about it.

Only $15. Radio Electric Service 120 West Fifth St. Phone 185. RADIO BATTERY -New. To clean up the season, $15 batteries $6.50 each.

Broyles Electric Co. Seeds, Plants, Flowers 63 FLOWERS For fancy designing. Gorgeous pot plants, at the right prices. See "Leslie's Greenhouse. PLANTS--Fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, roses, vines, etc.

Landscape gardening a specialty. R. W. Schmidt. Phone 1225.

Specials at the Stores 64 BARGAINS In used furniture. Look here before you buy. Caldwell Furniture Store, 3115-South! Washington St. Phone 2641.0 BARGAINS- In used gas ranges, oil stoves, coal stoves and Sales Department, Indiana General Service Co: IDEAL WATER HEATERS -Have hot water. with Ideal Automatic Gas Water Heater.

Product of "American Radiator $60 installed. Free trial. T. M. Friel, 216 E.

Fourth St. Phone 3443. WALLPAPERLarge assortment of new patterns in wallpaper, in prices that will surprise you, ranging at Tc, 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c and up. South Marion Furniture 3108 So. Washington St.

Phone 962-W. Wanted -To Buy 66 OLD DISCARDED -GOLD JEWEL RY- Silver dental bridge work wanted. Phone 858, and representative will call. POULTRY--And eggs; highest market price. Marion Produce 403 East Fourth St: Phone 2492.

USED BATH feet, wanted. Call 3008-W. WE BUY--And sell used clothing and shoes; best prices paid. Witcoff, 227 E. Fifth.

Ph. 6043. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms Without Board 68 BOOTS 614-Private sleeping room, with bath. SIXTH 419-Modern sleeping room. Rooms For Housekeeping 69 BOOTS 521-Two modern furnished rooms.

GALLATIN 1321-Mod. fur. a housekeeping rooms. Ph. 3053-W.

NEBRASKA 608-Two housekeeping rooms; first floor. THIRD 717-Attractive, small furn. private; 1st floor. TWO APARTMENTS- Two: rooms each, for light housekeeping; not modern. Inquire 820 So.

Wash. 14TH 309--5 rooms, furn. Call, or phone 1913 evenings. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 ALBERTA PARK APARTMENTWest upper, 1102 West Fifth four large rooms and bath, hardwood floors, built-in bed, breakfast nook, plenty of base plugs. 2612-W.

APARTMENT--Five modern rooma, heated; garage. Ph. 1792. APARTMENT--New, strictly modern, heated; cozy, and close. in.

Phone APARTMENT-4 rooms, modern; cistern, garage. Phone 1682-R. I'LL SHOW UP. NOW WHAT WAS THEN I WONT HAVE ADDRESS ME DAUGHTER TO STAY LON TOLD MUST In THERE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 CLOSE IN- -Small heat. furnished.

Phone 503.2. FOURTH -Upstairs apartment, four rooms, bath, hardwood floors, heat furnished; $35. Trueblood Laundry Co. SEITZ APTS heat, light and water furnished; garage if desired. 614 So.

Branson. St. WHITES 618-Desirable apartment, for two.p WASHINGTON STS Modern five-room apartment, heat furnished, free garage provided. Immediate occupancy. Phone 113 or.

431. Garages For Rent 76A GARAGE- -For small car. On alley back of 1807 So. Adams; $3 per month: Phone 3093-W: Houses For Rent 77 HOUSES--Four-, five- and: sevenroom houses. Phone 416-R.

LINCOLN BLVD. -Near 28th 6-room house, semi-modern, with and well. good condition; $15 month. Inquire at 621 So. Boots or phone 3093-W.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers Real Estate HERBERT M. FURGUSON- City property and farms for exchange. P. O. Lock Box 172.

Winters Hotel. JOHN W. BURDEN- -Specialty in Real Estate, Insurance, Bonds. Wigger Block. Phone 1381.

REAL ESTATE- Rentals and surance. DeWolf, Lenfesty Washington Third Wash. Farms and Land For Sale 83 GRAVEL PIT LOCATION- -For sale. Ground about 800 by 280 feet. LA city test water well -showed a vein of- fine sharp gravel 27 feet deep and only two feet below surface.

Location; -Valley Avenue and which is equal distance from all parts of Marion. Will sell land or lease, De Wolf, Lenfestey 221 So. Washington. St. Phone 769.

5 ACRES 5-room. house, electric lights, well located; 15 minutes' drive to square. Price, $2,500, $500 cash, balance terms, or will trade on city property. Heflin Rudolph, 203 Glass Block. Phone 1071.

Lots For Sale 85 BUILDING SITES- SMALL, ACREAGE TRACTS 288x322 feet, containing about acres. Located six blocks west of Washington, in desirable neighborhood. Several sales already made this spring in this addition. Good garden or chicken farm. Price of this piece, $625.

Will sell on payments. When land is paid for will help you build a home. Outside of city. BUY AN ACRE--In town and help your grocery bill. One- and twoacre lots just north of Ninth St.

At Lyons which is four blocks east of Malleable. Price of good, rich land is $250 per acre. We will build new road in front of lots. LARGE HOUSE--At 1512 Spencer. Could made into a double.

Price has been reduced from 250 to $1,600. Will sell on payments. FINE BUILDING LOT--Suitable for modern home on West Sixth St. Lot 50x132 feet. Price $800.

Cash or payments. 332 W. FIFTEENTH Good 4- room cottage. Newly painted and papered. New roof.

City water in kitchen. Lights, Price $1,400. Cash payment $200, and balance monthly. De WOLF, LENFESTEY CO. 3 221 S.

WASH. ST. PHONE 769 99x132 FEET--On State Road -9, just south of College; dandy building site. Call "John Haines, 1477. Houses For Sale BRICK HOUSE--Two lots.

Will trade for property anywhere. Jules 711- So. First Gas City. BOOTS 918-5-room house, modern except furnace. No cash payment; pay rent.

E-Z-Pay Realty corner. Third and Nebraska Sts. "Phone 1041. CLOSE IN- -A most convenient suburban with 5 acres. Phone 1588.

Shugart, 320 Branson. THAT BY GOLLY. HOME AN' CALL FORGOTTEN FOR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses For Sale 84 EQUITY--For sale or in five rooms, two acres, two blocks of College. Inquire West Eighth St. FIRST ST.

539-Modern bungalow, 5 rooms, garage; wonderful bargain, and fine location. Paul McClellan, A Rome Investment Price if desired. 414 So. Adams St. WE HAVE-Cash buyer for poultry farm; what have you? Five rooms, 20 Selby 6 acres, close in, for city property; small" restaurant for property.

Call Holmes, 1624. Davidson Loan Realty 212 Washington Bldg. AUCTIONS- -LEGAL No. 22811 State of Indiana, Grant County, $9: In the Grant Circuit Court, February Term, 1928, Myer Savesky and Sadie Savesky, husband and wife, vs. Martin Boots, et al.

BE IT KNOWN, That on this 5th day of March, A. D. 1928, the above named- plaintiffs, by their Attorneys, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of of said Grant County their complaint against said defendants in the above entitled cause, together with an affidavit of a competent person that the following named defendants: Martin Boots, whose true Christian is unknown, wife of Martin Boots, Boots, -whose Christian name is unknown, widow of Martin Boots, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees Martin Boots, deceased; the unknown -heirs and devisees of Boots, whose Christian name is unknown, widow of Martin Boots, deceased; Riley Marshall, Elizabeth Marshall, wife of Riley Marshall, Elizabeth Marshall, widow of Riley Marshall, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Riley Marshall, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Elizabeth- Marshall, widow of Riley Marshall, deceased; Abraham Oppy, Elizabeth Oppy, wife of Abraham Oppy; Elizabeth widow of Abraham Oppy, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Abraham Oppy, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Elizabeth Oppy, widow of Abraham Oppy, deceased; John Stephens, Emily Stephens, wife of -John Stephens; Emily Stephens, widow of John Stephens, deceased; the heirs and devisees of John Stephens, Legal Notices 91 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS SCOTT'S SPECIAL LOT No. 3 Jewett 4-door Sedan, 6-cylinder, good tires, good paint, and runs Customer owes $350 balance, and this car can be had for this GLENN A. SCOTT, OLDSMOBILE 307-9 E.

Third St. Phone 1328. Tomorrow's special-Oldmobile six Coach for $550. USED CARS 1 Dodge Seden, 1926. 1 Star six Sedan, 1926.

1 Ford Tudor Sedan, 1926. Gray Sedan, 1924. 1 Star four Touring, 1925. 1 Star Overland four Coupe, Touring, 1925, 1924. Ford Coupe, 1923.

Gardner Touring, 1921; cheap. 1 Chevrolet Truck, 1923. New and used tires and parts. DRULEY SALES CO. 112 South Washington Street.

USED FORDS 1927 Ford Coupe, wire wheels, 5 good tires, new; $325. 1926 Ford Coupe, extra good; $250. Ford Ton Truck, good closed cab and platform body; $200. Ford Fordor Sedan; $175. 1926 Ford Touring; $75.

HOOPER MOTOR COn Authorized Ford Dealers. 221 W. Second St. Phone 1301. WE HAVE A very attractive list of used cars come down and let us demonstrate one or more for" you.

We sell for cash, trade or give terms. The New Star is here. AMERICAN GARAGE, INC. 312 West Sec. Ph.

1034 McManus DAUGHTER ISN'T NOW I'VE EVEN THE PEOPLES. AUCTIONS LEGAL Legal Notices. 91 deceased; the. heirs. and devisees of Stephens, widow of John Stephens, -deceased; John O.

Boots, Catharine Boots, wife of John 0: Boots; Catharine 1 Boots, widow of John 0. Boots, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of John- Oz Boots; deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Catharine Boots, widow of John 0. Boots, deceased; Nathan W. Frazier, Martha Frazier, wife of Nathan W. Frazier, Martha Frazier, de widow of Nathan- -Frazier unknown heirs and devisees of Nathan W.

Frazier- deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Martha: Frazier, widow of Nathan W. zier, deceased; William Boots, Julianna Boots, wife of Boots; Julianna Boots, widow of William Boots, deceased; the -unknown heirs and devisees of Wh1liam Boots, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Julianna Boots, widow of William Boots, deceased: William. Hurley, Mary, Hurley, wife of William Hurley, Mary Hurley, widow of William Hurley, deceased; the unknown heirs and William deceased; the un-: known and devisees of Mary Hurley, widow of William Hurley, deceased; Caleb S. Boots, Boots, whose true Christian name is unknown, wife of Caleb S. Boots, Boots, whose true Christian name is unknown, widow of Caleb S.

Boots, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of. Boots, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Boots, whose Christian name is unknown, widow. of Caleb S. Boots, deceased; C. Hite, Hite; Mary Hite, Hite, widow wife of of David C.

Hite, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of David C. Hite, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Mary Hite, widow of David C. Hite, deceased; George. Broderick, Broderick, wife of George Broderick; Asenath Broderick, widow of George Broderick, deceased; the unknown and ceased; devisees the of George unknown -heirs Broderick, and devisees of Asenath Broderick, widow of George- Broderick, -deceased; Benjamin Inman, Louisa Inman, wife of Benjamin Inman; Louisa Inman, ed; the devisees widow of Benjamin: Inman, of Benjamin Inman, deceased; the. unknown heirs 3 and devisees of Louisa Inman, widow of Benjamin Inman, deceased; John L.

Byram, Lucinda Byram, wife mot John L. Byram; Lucinda -Byram, widow of John L. Byram, deceased; the unL. Byram, the unknown known heirs, and devisees of John heirs and Lucinda Byram, widow of John L. Byram, deceased; John L.

Byrum, Lucinda Byrum, wife of John L. Byrum; Lucinda Byrum, widow of John L. Byrum, deceased; the unknown heirs. and devisees of John L. Byrum, deceased; the unknown heirs and deviseeg of Lucinda Byrum, widow of John L.

Byrum, deceased; Jacob Meek, Tirzah A. Meek, wife of Jacob Meek; Tirzah A. Meek, widow of Jacob Meek, the unknown Theirs and devisees of JacobMeek, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Tirzah A. Meek, widow of Jacob Meek, deceased; Jacob Meek, Tirzah Anne Meek, wife of Jacob Meek; Tirzah Anne Meek, widow of Jacob Meek, ceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Jacob Meek, deceased; the unknown heirg and devisees of Tirzah Anne Meek, widow of Jacob Meek, deceased; Edmund Taylor, Mary Ann Taylor, wife of Edmund Taylor; Mary Ann Taylor, widow Edmund Taylor, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Edmund Taylor, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Mary Ann Taylor, widow of Edmund Taylor, deceased; William D. Mowrer, Rebecca S.

Mowrer, wife of William D. Mowrer; Rebecca S. Mowrer, widow William D. Mowrer, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of William D. Mowrer, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Rebecca S.

Mowrer, widow of William D. Mowrer, deceased; William D. Mowrer, Rebecca Sarah Mowrer, wife of William D. Mowrer; Rebecca Sarah Mowrer, widow of William I. Mowrer, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of William D.

Mowrer, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees Rebecca Sarah Mowrer, widaw. of William Mowrer, deceased; Nicholas Mowrer, Mary J. Mowrer, wife of Nicholas Mowrer; Mary J. Mowrer, Widow of Nicholas as Mowrer, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Nicholas Mower, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Mary J. Mowrer, widow of Nicholas Mowrer, deceased; Robert Dunn, Sarah A.

Dunn, wife of Robert Dunn; Sarah A. Dunn, widow of Robert Dunn, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Robert Dunn, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Sarah A. Dunn, widow of Robert Dunn, deceased; Zadock H. Willis, Catharine Willis, wife of Zadock H. Willis; Catharine Willis, widow of Zadock Willis, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Zadock H.

Willis, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Catharine Willis, widow of Zadock HI. Willis, deceased; Edmund Taylor, Osee. Ann Taylor, wife of Edmund: Taylor; Osee: Ann Taylor, widow of Edmund Taylor, deceased; the ullknown heirs and devisees of Edmund Taylor, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Osee Ann Taylor, widow of Edmund Taylor, deceased; Jesse H. Nelson, Avis HI. Nelson, wife of Jesse H.

Nelson; Avis If. Nelson, widow of Jesse Nelson, deceased; the unknown heirs By Kentucky Lump 7.00 Kentucky Egg. 6.50 V. S. Lump Dana Lump 8.00 "Indiana Lump 6.00 co*ke 9.00 Chestnut Anthracite 15.00 Prior Coul Phone 454.

1925-Essex-Coachr 1926 Chevrolet Sedan. 1926 Chevrolet Coach. 1925 Ford Roadster. Several good used Tires. BILLITER'S AUTO EXCH TENTH WASHINGTON STS.


Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.