Dynamic Learning Maps (2024)

Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) Alternate Assessment supports student learning and measures what students with the most significant cognitive disabilities know and can do in the content areas of English language arts, mathematics and science.

Spring 2024 DLM Testing Window: March 11 - June 7, 2024

December 2023 DLM Training Presentations

  • District and Building Coordinator Slides
  • Teacher Slides

Helpful Resources

  • DLM-New Hampshire Administration Calendar 2023-2024
  • DLM-New Hampshire webpage - Educators can access user guides, manuals, training videos
  • Student Registration Process for the DLM Alternate Assessment
  • Kite Educator Portal is a secure website where educators and administrators manage student data and view data extracts
  • Updates needed for district or building test coordinator for Kite Educator Portal? Please contact: Assessment@doe.nh.gov
  • District Justification Form: Exceeding 1% Cap on Participation in the Alternate Assessment
  • Subscribe to DLM test updates
  • Verify Student Eligibility for the Alternate Assessment

New Hampshire Statewide Assessment Program

Annually, New Hampshire school districts and public charter schools are required by state law (RSA 193-C) and federal accountability laws (Every Student Succeeds Act) to assess students using a standardized assessment. All New Hampshire public school students participate in the statewide assessment.

Statewide assessments are an important part of a student’s core educational program by providing:

  • An evaluation of student mastery of content and skills in various academic areas
  • Serve as one tool for measuring the degree to which students are on track to graduate high school and are college- and career-ready
  • Help inform future instruction in the classroom

Eligibility Criteria for the Alternate Assessment

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) teams have the responsibility of making instructional and assessment decisions for each student with a disability. The alternate assessment is intended only for those students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. To determine if a special needs student meets the participation criteria for the alternate assessment, the student's IEP team reviews and completes the Alternate Assessment Decision Making Worksheet.

The DLM Accessibility Manual provides guidance to IEP teams in selecting supports.This worksheet is reviewed annually and filed with the student's IEP. Evidence of this decision-making process must be maintained by the school and made available during assessment monitoring.

What grade levels are assessed for the DLM alternate assessment?

  • Students in grades 3-8 and 11 are assessed in English language arts and mathematics
  • Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 are assessed in science

District and Building Coordinators Resources

Educator Resources

Parent Resources

High Expectations for Student Success Video

The High Expectations for Student Success video is available on the homepage of the Dynamic Learning Maps® website. This video outlines four keys to academic success for students with significant cognitive disabilities and also highlights the importance of planning for postsecondary opportunities for students taking the DLM alternate assessment.

Related Resources

  • Parent Resource: A Future of Opportunity
  • Postsecondary Opportunities Study
  • Research Synopsis

New Hampshire Statutes, State Laws and Federal Regulations

1% Cap on Participation in the Alternate Assessment

No more than 1% of students may participate in the alternate assessment in the grades assessed for each content area. This ESSA requirement took effect starting with the 2017-2018 school year. States exceeding 1% may request a waiver to the United States Department of Education. As part of the waiver request, states must demonstrate at least 95% of all students and 95% of all students with disabilities participated in the required statewide assessments.

DLM Technical Report

  • Characteristics of Students Who Take Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessments - Technical Report May 2020
Dynamic Learning Maps (2024)


What are the dynamic learning maps? ›

The Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) provides Individual Student Score Reports for students who completed the DLM alternate assessment during the previous school year. Score reports communicate achievement within grade-level content standards to educators, parents, and others.

Who qualifies for the DLM? ›

Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) assessments are for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for whom general state assessments are not appropriate, even with accommodations. DLM assessments offer these students a way to show what they know and can do in English language arts, mathematics, and science.

What are the DLM mini maps? ›

The DLM mini-maps show knowledge, skills, and understandings for small parts of the larger DLM maps. These knowledge, skills, and understandings are called nodes. Use the circles with boxes to see how the content assessed at each linkage level is related to other linkage levels.

What is DLM in NJ? ›

The alternate assessment for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science is called the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM).

What are examples of dynamic learning? ›

Dynamic learning programs are interactive and include tasks that involve a high level of learner engagement, and the use of multiple learning mediums. For example, the learner may have to build a demo website or send out surveys as a part of their course.

What are the 3 elements of dynamic learning communities? ›

Definition and characteristics of dynamic learning communities (DLCs). systems are defmed by "(1) the absence of imposed centralized control; (2) the autonomous nature of subunits; (3) the high connectivity between the subunits, and (4) the webby nonlinearcausality of peers influencing peers" (Kelly 1994, p.

How long is the DLM training? ›

The returning test administrator required training takes approximately one hour to one hour and 15 minutes to complete. This includes the video and time to independently complete the post-test. Participants will learn how to prepare for the DLM alternate assessment.

What is considered a significant cognitive disability? ›

Students identified with significant cognitive disabilities have one or more disabilities that significantly affect their intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior (e.g., social skills, activities of daily living). These students require intensive, individualized instruction and supports.

What is the primary purpose of the Dynamic learning Maps DLM required test administrator training? ›

Dynamic Learning Maps or DLM is an adaptive, computer-based assessment system developed to be accessible to students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. DLM assessments offer students in grades 3-8 and 11 a way to show what they know and can do.

What can dynamic maps display? ›

Dynamic Maps provide insights into network performance, security and troubleshooting without information overload. In Dynamic Maps, users can view layers of data by zooming in and out of the map. Users can drill into each device for additional details.

How to do a learning map? ›

Brainstorm and list down all the ideas, information etc. related to the topic. Add these on the branches scattering out of the main topic. When placing the connecting knowledge around the topic, arrange them in a way that makes sense, or in a sequence to ensure effective learning.

Which map is dynamic map? ›

Dynamic mapping is a cartographic concept used to depict dynamic spatial phenomena or to present spatial information in a dynamic way. It summarizes various cartographic presentation methods which incorporate the dimension of time into a map.

What is a dynamic learning program? ›

The Dynamic Learning Program (DLP) is a flexible and student-centered approach that emphasizes active participation and learning by doing. The Constructivist Learning Theory supports the belief that students construct their own knowledge through active engagement and meaning-making.

What is a DLM? ›

Data lifecycle management (DLM) is a policy-based approach to managing the flow of an information system's data throughout its lifecycle: from creation and initial storage to when it becomes obsolete and is deleted. DLM products automate lifecycle management processes.

What is dynamic learning assessment? ›

Dynamic assessment is an evaluation method used to identify an individual's skills as well as their learning potential. DA emphasizes the learning process and accounts for the amount and nature of examiner investment. It is highly interactive and process oriented.

What is a dynamic learning system? ›

Dynamic learning is active, engaging, and student-driven. It is often framed around open-ended tasks and projects that have a practical, real-world application and are relevant to students' lives. To facilitate this kind of learning, teachers and students need the right kind of physical environment.

What is known as the dynamic learning program? ›

In DLP, students write first the concepts before the lectures or discussions. This enhances better comprehension, active participation in the actual class discussions, and discipline. Many a school has implemented the program which also features parallel classes, portfolio-based notes, and a no-homework policy.

What is the dynamic approach to learning? ›

A dynamic learning environment is characterized by change, activity and progress. It is intentionally designed to meet the needs of all students while challenging them to enhance existing skills, interests and understandings, as well as meaningfully building new ones.

What is dynamic learning platform? ›

This ICF Dynamic Learning Platform offers a rigorous assessment process, continuous feedback, and learner analytics that drive dynamic and relevant content design. This approach to customized learning ensures adaptability to participant needs to inspire engagement and relevance.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.