Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

NO NO NO 4 Peter 0 3 WEATHER 2 MARIO 1 DALS 1-2: Showers and a few scattered thunderstorms tonight, Low in upper 30s. Wednesday partly cloudy and not much temperature change. High in mid 40s. High Wednesday in upper 40s. 3-4-5: Occasional showers and scattered thunderstorms tonight.

Low near 40. Wednesday partly cloudy. High near 50. 6-7: Mostly cloudy with sional showers and scattered thunderstorms tonight. Low 42-50.

Partly cloudy Wednesday. High in upper 50s. Thursday outlook: Partly, cloudy and mild. NORTHERN OHIO: Mostly cloudy and cool tonight with showers and possibly thundershowers. Low 30-35.

Cloudy Wednesday with showers ending in morning and little temperature change. CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN OHIO: Mostly cloudy and a little warmer tonight with, occasional showers and scattered thunderstorms spreading from southwest. Low 30-35. Wednesday mostly cloudy with little temperature change and scattered showers. firely east portion in morning.

SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Mostly cloudy and mild tonight with scattered showers and thundershowers. Low 35-40. Wednesday partly cloudy. LOWER MICHIGAN: Increasing cloudiness tonight followed by showers or thundershowers southwest spreading over southern sections by morning. Low 25-35.

Wednesday cloudy with occasional rain south and snow, sleet or rain north possibly freezing extreme north. Slowly clearing southwest by evening. Not much temperature change. KENTUCKY: Considerable cloudiness tonight with occasional showers and scattered thunder storms, likely continuing east early Wednesday. Warmer north tonight, little change elsewhere.

Low in 50s. Wednesday partly cloudy with little per ature change. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction for cash, one 1957 Ford, Fairlane 500, two door, Serial No. D7UT119918, at 9:45 a.m. March 16, 1961, at Atkinson's Pure Oil, 601 South Adams Marion, Indiana.

This vehicle taken from Evelyn M. Weller. The undersigned reserves the right to bid. Associates Investment Company Marion, Indiana E--Mar. 7, 1961 NOTICE OF SALE The undersigned will sell at lic auction for cash, one 1955 Buick, two-door hardtop, Serial No.

4B1198042. at 10:30 a.m. March: 16. at Wolf 1414 South Western Marion, Indiana. The undersigned' reserves the right to bid.

Associates Investment Company Marion, Indiana E-Mar. 7. 1961 NOTICE OF SALE On the 16th day of March, 1961, at or about 10 o'clock a.m. pursuant to law the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following vehicles: 1960 Corvair, 4. door, Serial No.

00769W105154 1960 Chevrolet, Sport coupe, Serial No. 01837F188465 that said sale will be held at Interstate Finance, Incorporated, 3009 South Washington Street, Marion, Indiana. Interstate Finance, Incorporated DATED: March 6, 1961 E-Mar. 7, 1961 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the application of weed control herbicide low-volatile ester by spraying of the roadside right-of-ways will be received by the chairman of the State Highway Department at his office in the Indiana State Office Building, 100 N. Senate, Indianapolis, Indiana until 9 a.m.

Central Standard Time on the 21st day of March, 1961, when all proposals will be publicly opened and read. Contract M-5256 herbicide treatment in the Fort Wayne District of approximately 683.0 Bids are invited on approximately 2,049.0 gallons of low- -volatile ester weed killer concentrate, furnished, mixed and applied on state roads in the following counties: Grant. Contract M-5257 herbicide treatment in the Greenfield District of approximately 500.7 miles. Bids are invited on approximately 1,717.6 gallons of low-volatile ester weed killer concentrate, furnished, mixed and applied on state roads in the following counties: Grant. the Proposals office of may the be Department examined at Indianapolis, Indiana.

State Highway Department Of Indiana Clinton Green Chairman E- Mar, 7, 14. 1961 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given that the Grant County Council will be in special session at 10:00 a.m., EST. Friday, March 10, 1961, in their regular meeting place in the Court House, Marion, to consider requests for additional appropriation as follows: Grant County Commissioners: 205GCourt House Remodeling, Phase 7 $3337.00 205A. Court House Repair 2200.00 Civil Defense Advisory Council: 100 Salary 4400.00 Center Township Assessor: 602 Property (Reappraisal) 1950.00 County Auditor: 102 Deputy Salary 602 Property .1170.00 Taxpayers appearing shall have the right to be heard thereon. Any ten, other than those paying poll taxes only, feeling themselves aggrieved at the action of the Council may file with the Auditor a petition for a review of the action taken to the State Board of Tax Commissioners, which Board shall set a date for a hearing not more than ten (10) days following the action complained of, the State Board's ruling being final and conclusive.

Thos. D. Riley, Auditor Grant Co. E-Feb. 28, blar.

7. 1961 Skating Winners Are Announced Thirty four members of Marion Skating Club competed the third Indiana State Inter-Club competition of the year Sunday the Idyt Wyld Roller Rink. skating enthusiasts watched Officials said more than lode 1,500 teams from all parts of the state. delegation of skaters was the largest. meet was conducted under the jurisdiction of the U.S.

Amateur Roller Skating Association. Marion winners were as follows: Jackie Courtney and Cathy Streib, third in the juvenile division; Lyndel Edgington and Pamela Pannell, first; Mike Young and Sandra Speicher, second, and Steven Courtney and Patty Kittle, fourth in the novice division and Tom King and Roberta Louderback, first; Larry Johns and Joanne Louderback, second; Robert Cooley and Eva Crowell, third, Paul Black and Cheryl "Scott, fourth, intra division. Others taking places were Robert Johnson and Kathy Johnson, fourth in sub-novice division; Darrell Young and Bobbie Jo Leach, second; Terry Poe and Mary Gunn, third, and Larry Baird and Roasanne Gaynes, fourth, intermediate division, and Robert Zuniga and Charlotte Owings second, and Larry Speicher and Jo Etta Dicken, third, intermediate division, The next inter club event will be held early in May in Muncie, followed by the state meet in June in Marion. National competition will best conducted Livonia, starting July 15 and lasting for one week: U.S. Humane Society Official Addresses Group Fred Myers, Washington, D.

executive director of the Humane Society of the United States, was in Marion Monday night to address Marion Humane Society at Hostess House. Mrs. Spencer Cantrill, president, was in charge and presented My. ers. During his talk, Myers stressed the fact that cruelty is a moral evil.

Even though some individuals do not happen to be dog or cat lovers they still subscribe to the concept that cruelty is evil. Myers praised the work of the Marion society, in the one year of its organization, and lauded the cooperation of the society and the city administration in operating the animal shelter, Scout Council Official Talks At Club Session Following the theme which has been adopted by the National Boy Scouts for the slogan during the next two years, William executive for Meshingomesia Boy Scout Council spoke on "Strengthen America Character at the Rotary Club meeting today. The talk followed a held at the Hostess House. Maguire's talk concerned programs which instill traits of character in boys. Programs and activities of Boy Scouts, Maguire explained, teach heritage.

Lyall Wright is club president. Missionary Will Speak At EUB Church Miss Virginia Pickarts, missionary of the Division of World Mission of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, will. be' the speaker at the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. services Sunday in the First Evangelical United Brethren Church. The speaker is serving in the Harvard School for Girls in Moyomba, Sierra Leona, West Africa.

The Women's Society of World Service in the church will be in charge of the meetings which will be open to members and friends. The Rev. R. E. Bowman is pastor.

Suits Filed CIRCUIT COURT Maria Martinez VS. Julian Martinez. Reciprocal support. Grain Belt Supply Inc corporation, vs. Ray and Ruth Shinkle, partners, doing business as Shinkle Construction LaFontaine, Ind.

SUPERIOR COURT Rebecca Ruth Hathaway VS. Ronald D. Hathaway. Divorce. Lawanna Moon vs.

Richard Moon. Divorce. Clara Timmons vs. Ronnie Timmons. Divorce.

Nadene Woodard vs. Fred Woodard. Divorce. Dawana Sutton VS. Donald Sutton.

Divorce. ON CRUISE John P. Thompson, aviation ordinanceman first class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Huldash Thompson, La Fontaine, is with Fighter Squadron 13 aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Shangri-La on cruise in the Mediterraead.

Marion' Weather (24 Hours Ending: at 7 a.m.) Temperatures .68 36 March 7, 1960 .23 -6 Precipitation .15 Sunrise, 7:08 a.m. Sunset, 6:41 p.m., Precipitation since Jan. 1, date, 1961, 1960, 4.20. Precipitation same Pageant Calendar TODAY 7 p.m. Make up for Pilate retinue at WEDNESDAY Rehearsal of cymbal girls at the Elks Club at 5 p.m.

Make up for the following groups: citizens at 7 p.m.; pilgrims, at 7:30 p.m.; merchants at p.m. and money changers, thieves and Barabbas at 8:30 p.m. Chorus rehearsal at the First Christian Church at 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY Rehearsal of palm and garland girls at YWCA at 3:45 p.m. Rehearsal of Jerusalem maidens at Elks Club at 4:30 p.m.

Make-up for the wealthy family at 7 p.m. FRIDAY Make-up for Claudia retinue at 7 p.m. and at 8 p.m. make-up for weavers, shepherds and carpenters. Hospital Notes ADMISSIONS Timothy Southerland, Jonesbo Larry Glassburn, R.

1, Hill. Marvin Tegarden, 224 E. Stevenson St. Fred Bartel, 210 N. St.

David Eugene VanDine, 3909 S. Wigger St. Frederick W. VanDine, 3909 S. Wigger St.

Shirley Ann Howell, R. 6, Marion. Loren Morris Hydorn, Van Buren. David Craig, 3315 Overman Ave. Ruth Peaco*ck, R.

1, Fairmount. David R. Troyer, R. 1, Jonesboro. Dale M.

Weaver, 1208 Spencer Ave. Mrs. Darrell Newby, Fairmount. Quentin H. Pettiford, 3213 S.

McClure St. Mrs. Ernest Walker, R. 2, Marion. Mrs.

Ralph M. Cain, R. 1, Marion. Rhonda Sue Stratton, Upland. Mrs.

Edward Harlan, Converse. Richard W. Martin, Hartford City. Bailey Stanley, Fairmount. Lillie M.

Holloway, 418 W. 26th St. i Rev. Oscar McWhirt, 820 E. Charles St.

DISMISSALS Phillip D. Harrell, Sweetser. Deborah Kay Sheedy, R. 1, Fairmount. Charles L.

Jackson, E. First St. Mrs. "Charles Sloderbeck, 3415 S. Overman St.

Daniel Eberhard, R. 2, Marion. Mrs. Ernie Wildoner, 2911 Nebraska St. Mrs.

James 'R. Knight, 626 Stephenson Mrs. Clarence V. Holloway, 1015 Wabash Ave. Mrs.

Frederick Cross, Fairmount. Betty J. Nestleroad, 244 S. Branson St. Corda Pearl Maddox, R.

5, Marion. Leonard Kinney, 803 E. 48th St. Mrs. Cedric J.

Amos, Converse. Mrs. Rictor Kirby, 5424 Lincoln Blvd. Mrs. Larry J.

Bolden, N. Washington St. Sharon Sims. Karen Boucher, Sims. Bertha Eastes, R.

4, Marion. Mrs. Raymond Alva, S. Gallatin St. Mrs.

Elbertn L. Mook, 55 Prairie Homes. Mrs. Cordia Peach, Fairmount. Fred D.

Wright, 138 Bond Ave. Mrs. Alfred Thurman, R. 1, Van Buren. Anna M.

Smith, R. 6, Marion. Mrs. Larry Slain, Upland. Bobbye Rybolt, Jonesboro.

Mrs. H. Coswalt, 1812 S. Gallatin St. David Merrel Owen, Gas City.

Mrs. Edward Masters 724 W. Third St. Mrs. Ivan Lyons, 3111 S.

Adams St. Walter D. Keller, Upland. Mrs. Floyd L.

Jones, R. 1, Marion. Sue Ann Huffman, R. 1, Warren, Mrs. William C.

Fridley, Jonesboro. Mrs. Charles E. Davis Gas City. William Buren.

Mrs. Glen Eugene Black, .1003 W. 14th St. Mrs. Robert L.

Arnold, Van Bur. en. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. David Stambaugh, 1009 Sherwood girl, 8:08 p.m.

March-6. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell R. Wells, Gas City, girl, 7:09 p.m.

March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Theron E. Meyers, 1426 W.

Nelson girl, 10:06 a.m., March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Ice, 511 W.

Highland boy, 10:54 a.m., March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ellis Sharp, 1510 S. Boots girl, 5:07 a.m., March 6.

Roseburg Scouts Hold Banquet Pack Four of Cub Scouts and Troop Four of Boy Scouts held a blue and gold dinner night at the Roseburg School; Scoutmaster Wilbur Lewis spoke on summer camp arrangements, and Jesse Ballard, an institutional representative, reviewed the tory of the troop. The history of the pack was given by Mrs. Ballard. Boys of Den One staged a skit; "Medical Genius;" Den Two "Safety First;" Den Four, "Our New Cub, and Den Five, "Family Takes a Trip." The Rev. Bernard Paul gave the invocation, while Mrs.

Phaup directed group singing. Other music was: provided: by Mrs. Joe Clements. Harry' Sheetz, Ronald Timmons and Daniel and Thomas Black were awarded prizes for articles made from their genius kits. Lawrence Black, cubm aster, presented the following awards: John wolf badge; Gary Paup, Roger Lewis and Joe Clements wolf badges and gold arrow points; Thomas Black, perfect attendance pins and service star; John Frazier, bear badge gold arrow points; Rodney DeShong, two silver arrow points under bear; Keith Frazier, wolf badge; Daniel Black, lion badge and gold and silver arrow points; Dennis Pinkerton, lion badge and gold arrow points and Rodney Hall, a Webelos badge.

SERVES IN FLORICA N. Shaffer, seaman, USN and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaffer, IR. 5, Marion, is serving with Anti-Submarine Squadron Naval Air Station at Key West, Fla.

He was promoted to his present rate Feb. 10. Before entering the Navy in June, 1960, Shaffer was graduated from Mississniewa High School. COMPLETE TRAINING Pvt. Robert F.

McDowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. McDowell, 1024 S. Gallatin and Pvt.

Martin A. Barnes, son of Mr. and: Mrs. Keith A. Barnes, R.

2, Marion, have completed dividual Marine Corps 'combat training 'at Camp Pendleton, Calif. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice his hereby given that the Washington Township Trustee and Advisory Board will repeive sealed bids for the construction of a new addition to the existing Washington Township School located on the corner of the Van Buren Road and County Road No. or one mile east of the a Morris Chapel Church on U.S. Road No. 37.

will be received at the above school building until 7:30 p.m. o'clock Central Daylight on. the 24th of March, 1961, at which time and place all bids wilt be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after the above designated time will be returned unopened. Bids will be received on the General (Construction, including all work as called for in the plans specifications.

Plans and Specifications are on file for 'examination only at the office of the Township Trustee, the State Board of Accounts at the State House, Indianapolis, Indiana, and at the F. W. Dodge Corporation Plan North Anthony Boulevard. Fort Wayne Indiana. Copies of documents may be obtained by depositing $20.00 per set with the Architect, Albert Heeter, 1001 Gettle Building Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The amount of deposit will be. refunded to the bidders upon return of the documents good condition if they have submitted a proposal, bid shall be accompanied by an acceptable Certified or Cashier's check made payable to the TownTrustee, or an acceptable Bidder's Bond for the amount not less than of the total bid price: Bids shall be properly and completely executed on the proposal Form 96, with non-collusion affidavit, as; prescribed by the Indiana State Board of Accounts and the Statutes of the State of Indiana. Any proposal or bid of Five Thousand Dollars. or more, must be accompanied by Questionnaire Form No. 96A as prescribed by the Indiana State Board of Accounts.

Wage rates paid on this work shall not be less than the prescribed scale of: wages as determined pursuant to! the Acts provisions of Chapter 319 of the of the General Assembly. of Indiana of 1935. 'Each bidder to whom a contract is awarded for any part of the work will be required to furnish an acceptable surety bond for the faithful performance of the work in the amount equal to one hundred per cent of the contract price. If proposals or bids are submitted by mail they must be enclosed in' a sealed envelope marked "Bid for Construction of Washington with Twp. anme School and Addition, address of Unit the bid- der stated thereon and they should be to Mr.

Loy V. McKevitt. Trustee of Washington Township, R.R. 2, Marion, Indiana. The Twp.

Trustee and Advisory Board reserve the right to reject any and' all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding. 7th day of March, 1961. Vi Loy McKevitt. Washington Township Trustee Grant County, Indiana 7, 14, 1961. COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES HAVE COME BEFORE THE GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AT THEIR REGULAR MARCH MEETING, 1961.

Kendall COE 315.00 B. Losure COE 270.00 Delores! Crosley COE 270.00 Wilma COE 270.00 Adonis. Sprinkle COE 270.00 Ruth R. Underwood 270.00 Mary Jane Hautem RE 270.00 Jeanne Stanton RE 250.00 Adah Hadley AuDE 315.00 Lenore Joy AuDE 270.00 Amelia Grant AuDE 270.00 Mary Harvey AuDE 270.00 Florence Curless Au0E 270.00 Alma Miller Au0E 270.00 Madonna Sat'walte 270.00 Kilgore AuDE 250.00 Leona F. Jay AuOE 250.00 Leah Hayes Au0E 270.00 Vance Jett AuDE 120.00 Mary Louise Cox TOE 315.00 Mary' A.

Doyle TOE 270.00 Lake 270.00 Catherine Cassidy TOE 270.00 Ball TOE 250.00 Campbell TOE 170.00 Ronald: Wimmer TOE 13.50 Edith Jackson TOE 270.00 Eileen Jett ROE 315.00 Newell ROE 270.00 Dale M. Weaver ROE 270.00 Guy Spencer ShOE 300.00 Guy Spencer' ShOE 56.00 Von West ShOE 220.00 Von West ShOE 56.00 L. F. Meyer ShOE 270.00 Ted Barley ShOE 270.00 William R. Riggs ShOE 270.00 Lewis N.

Golding ShOE 270.00 John Ellis ShJE 250.00 Ray Poling 'ShJE 250.00 Betty Do Riggs ShJE 200.00 Vearl B. Hornaday DC 50.00 SE 854.17 LOCAL NOTICES Lillie Haynes SE 315.00 Edwin Brinker SE 315.00 Gerald Davis 327.60 Heinrich Lohmeyer SE 70.00 O. K. Anderson CAE 276.66. Alan E.

Retherford CAE 145.00 Grace E. Kelley CAE 126.66 Phyllis M. Hikade CAE 250.00 Rebecca A. Wootton 30.38 R. H.

Allen SSOE 783.33 Carole Snyder SSOE 266.66 Mary Allen Roush CoAOE 485.00 Sarah F. Pack CAOE 427.08 F. Alderfer, M.D. COCE 500.00 Lucille Jaus 35.00 Betty Edington AOE 315.00 Villa Nichols AOE 270.00 Ruth Oakerson AOE 10.00 E. Clements, R.N.

HOE 300.00 W. M. Renbarger HOE 350.00 Betty Bothwell HOE 220.00 George Hickman 416.66 Milford PAE 250.00 H. D. Nesbitt PAE 250.00 Earl Waymire COE 25.00 Arthur M.

Gross POE 466.66 Rowena Barley POE 295.00 Jasper Weaver Weaver CHE 225.00 CHE 200.00 Alfred Reed CHE Arthur Wyckoff CHE 200.00 B. Rude CHE 150.00 C. E. Stanley CHE 375.00 Lynn. McClain CHE 272.00 Robt.

L. Milford CoAE 250.00 Michael J. Kiley. CoHE 150.00 A. B.

Crouch CoHE 250.00 Ruby Crouch CoHE 166.67 R. J. Baskett CoHE 66.67 Oral Comer CoHE 120.00 Alta Lahmon CoHE 120.00 Maggie L. Worth 120.00 Ruben B. Worth CoHE Ethel Shelley CoHE 120.00 Maisie Peek CoHE 120.00 Wm.

Peek CoHE 120.00 Carl Jackson CoHE 30.00 Leo Hoke CoHE 15.00 Lennis Whisler CoHE 40.00 Lucille Gardner CoHE 25.00 Lena Rutherford OHE 165.00 Zenith Leaming OHE 120.00 Eva Mae Pardue OHE 120.00 Onda Hamaker OHE 120.00 Sabina McConnell OHE 148.00 Fred Brown OHE 120.00 Patty Bell OHE 28.00 Parks WE 180.00 Fred E. Shane SOE 375.00 Geo. W. Curtis CoPCE 416.66 J. Brovont CoPCE 240.00 D.

R. Bartlett CDO 235.00 Lillian Owings CDO 10.00 P. Walters CTA. 458.34 Lavon Ellis CTA 250.00 Jane Walters CTA 195.00 Gregory CTA 150.00 Harriett Ramsey CTA 90.00 Helen V. Charles CTA 50.00 Theodore Maddox CTA 60.00 Otho Compton FTA 65.00 J.

W. Sheffield FrTA 300.00 Edna Foust FrTA 150.00 J. E. Thompson FrTA 30.00 Mary Marshall FrTA 250.00 Doris Terrell FrTA 200.00 C. C.

Nelson 125.00 Dick Nelson MTA 150.00 Walter Fisher, Jr. MTA 100.00 Eva Hayde WF 385.00 Wanda C. Baker WF 285.00 R. Arnold WF 285.00 Grace Kem WF 285.00 Edith Piety WF 285.00 E. K.

Stephenson WF 285.00 A. L. Shull WF 285.00 E. L. Anderson WF 250.00 Edith WF 325.00 Helen Cougill WF 275.00 Muriel Alexander WF 245.00 Marjorie Cox WF 245.00 C.

R. Ayres WF 245.00 D. D. Van Eseltine WF 110.00 Eldon Woodmansee 375.00 David Barley CCE 375.00 Virgil Ritter CCE 375.00 Homer Nelson HE 500.00 James Zezula HE 430.65 Gerald Wolfe HE 339.90 James Leming HE 396.00 Burl Renbarger HE 13.20 Corwin Dixon HE 321.75 Wilbur Gaines HE 364.65 Ernest Snapp HE 311.85 Fred Proctor HE 278.85 Kenneth Trees HE 264.00 Joe Jack HE 364.50 Richard Toler HE 176.55 Clayton Dickerson 409.20 Frank Stackhouse HE 461.17 Dale Petro HE 359.70 Don Banter HE 351.50 Leo Adkins HE 338.20 Oscar Moorman 350.10 W. H.

Mitchener HE 313.60 Herrick Hoover HE 195.80 Charles Hussong HE 275.55 Herbert Grubb HE 313.50 Bradley Gibson HE 34.65 Luther Devore HE 116.32 Roy Jackson HE 14.02 J. L. Leming HE 19.80 Bon E. Boswell HE 15.67 Reed Chadd HE 60.80 Roy Haskell HE 355.00 James Larsen HE 30.32 John McMillan HE 46.20 Clint Jones HE 30.52 Paul Lynch HE 75.00 Gerald Williams HE 133.65 LEGAL NOTICES Mar. Hdwe.

Co. CoHE 49.62 Mar. Hdwe. Co. OHE 28.65 Com.

Mot. Freight CoHE 3.91 Ozz W. Relfe CoHE 3.00 Irv. Bros. Grav.

CoHE 1.86 Mechan. Plumb. CoHE, 41.00 Univ. Elect. CoHE 19.63 Southa.

Lumber CoHE 174.09 Home Ser. Plum. CoHE 25.74 B. E. Helm CoHE 30.25 Wal.

Creek Dairy CoHE 277.20 Dietz. Baker. CoHE 109.50 Food Mark. Corp. CoHE 584.23 Food Mar.

Corp: CoHE 79.23 Food Mark. Corp. OHE 120.10 Treas. St. of Ind.

CoHE 10.60 Franks Pist. Serv. CoHE 4.96 Nuk. Phil. 66 CoHE 7.00 Berger Pharm.

CoHE 72.29 Neuer Supply CoHE 157.00 Jonesb. Grain CoHE 490.65 Mar. Froz. Food CoHE 15.63 Western Auto CoHE 7.01 Mac's Hatchery CoHE 31.301 Osco Drug OHE 2.47 Marion Poultry OHE 31.28 Sutters Dairy OHE 101.89 McVay's Self Serv. OHE 120.17 Dietzens Bakeries OHE 21.31 Martin Boots Sch.

OHE 15.25: McClure Coal Oil OHE 447.83 Monarch Cleaners OHE 3.40 Freel Mason Drug OHE 21.40 J. C. Penney OHE 15.89 Tam's Drugs OHE 9.52 Star Shoe Shop OHE 1.25 Universal Elec. OHE 35.20 Breedlove Son OHE 82.92 Dura -Roll Co. OHE 4.50 Dickens Refrig.

OHE 29.65 Ken. Rybolt Ins. OHE 55.73 Quigley Ins. OHE 55.72 Giltner Landis OHE 55.74 Fred Curt. E.

Mullenix Stanley OHE OHE 54.16 2.52 Fred E. Shane SOE 35.00 Geo. W. Curtis CoPCE 26.80 R. C.

Parks WE 16.10 Robert Clouse CDO 82.77 Mar. Oil Co. CDO 23.71 Howard Swanger CDO 11.40 State Univ. of Elect. Ind.

CDO 7.40 CDO 14.20 Montgomery Ward CDO 15.25 First Bainb. Ins. CDO Underw. CDO 24.00 198.93 M. P.

Walters CTA 12.80 John D. Foust CTA 12.00 Glenn L. Ross CTA 13.52 Walter Farley CTA 11.20 E. Edith H. Henry Fowler CTA CTA 12.80 V.

L. McKevitt CTA 12.80 Charleen Nelson CTA 12.64 CTA 11.65 Chron-Trib. PP 458.17 Quigley Ins. PB 5.00 Pansy Miller TR 11.39 James Wylie TR 44.58 Richard Lewis TR 21.40 Beulah Sauters TR 38.60 John Sp'ding TR 11.08 William Vetor TR 9.78 Need. Son SB 300.00 Owen Weilert SB Diggs.

Fun. Home SB 100.00 D. Jay Swift SB 100.00 Ferguson SB 100.00 C. E. Shawley SB 100.00 Jake Raven Van Fun.

Ness Home FB SB 100.00 3.00 Charles Thomas FB 3.00 James Garland Seavers Reece 6.00 R. FB 3.00 Lester E. Cates FB 3.00 Bruce Lawrence Long Carter FB FB 3.00 6.00 Bernard Renbarger FB 9.00 Deer Creek Conserv. FB 6.00 Austin Collins FB 3.00 Mrs. M.

A. Davis FB 3.00 Girls Sch. SI 2,417.44 Boys Sch. SI 2,717.44 State Farm SI 52.90 Bus. Ad.

State Hosp. SI 155.60 Supt. of Cen. St. Hosp.

SI 111.03 Supt. -Norman Me. Hos. SI 138.44 Treas-Hunting. Co.

CV 19.00 Co. CV 6.00 Bragg Constr. Co. LF CV 58.50 300.00 H. D.

Carter BT 74.60 I. R. Byron Hosp. TB 2,018.50 A. Hutchinson WF V.

E. F. Westfall Manning WF WF 10.00 10.00 E. N. W'iamson WF 10.00 Carl Bowman WF 10.00 Ind.

Bell Tele. WF 343.06 Chas. Kilgour 200.00 Wanda Baker WF 40.00 Grace Kem WF Edith Piety WF 40.00 Arlyne L. Shull WF 40.00 E. K.

St'enson WF 40.00 Elizab. Anderson WF 40.00 Fern Arnold WF 40.00 Ind. Mich. WF 5.03 Met. Of.

Equip. WF 8.10 Bainb. Print. WF 15.90 Peerless Print. WF 213.14 Guideposts Assoc.

WF 2.00 Sen. Cit. of Amer. WF 5.00 Soc. Welf.

Ct. Dig. WF 10.00 Re. Di: Met. Pub.

Co. WF 1.50 Pitney Inc. WF 18.00 Trans. Freight HE 6.17 Ind. Bell Tele.

HE 1 27.84 Eldon W'mansee HE 60.00 Virgil Ritter HE 60.64 Gerald Williams HE 133.65 Virgil Ritter HE 60.64 Leo Presser HE 330.00 Cent. Ind. Gas HE 148.34 Henry Knotts HE 398.25 Mar. Cit. Wat.

Works HE 20.00 Mark Overman HE 122.10 City Water Works HE 51.69 Norman Barley HE 344.85 So. Mar. Rad. Serv. HE 20.00 Billy Jo McLain HE 42.90 Twin City Chev.

HE .81 Harold Hughes HE 169.10 Ballard Brake HE 184.52 Edgar East HE 169.10 C. E. Loker Truck HE 84.17 Frank Sample HE 191.90 Hawkins Ford Sale HE 192.41 C. R. Kilgour COE 40.00 Ind.

Co. HE 12.16 Ind. Bell Tele. Co. CO 464.45 Hendersons HE 26.58 Ind.

Bell Co. ShJE 21.69 Intl. Harv. Co. HE 109.66 Ind.Bell Tele.

CoHE 15.50 Int'l. Harv. Co. HE 18.46 Ind. Bell Tele.

Co. OHE 13.10 Planks Auto HE 75.00 Met. Equip. COE 19.62 Cox Ford HE 2.41 Met. Ofc.

Equip. RE 1.50 Klain Ste. Sup. HE 104.93 Met. Ofc.

Equp. AuDE 18.34 Sup. Met. Prod. HE 475.30 Met.

Ofc. Equip. TOE 5.56 Marion Reid-Halc. Co. HE 39.38 Ofc.

Equip. SSOE 7.42 Hdwe. HE 19.60 Met. Ofc. Equip.

AOE 20.90 Franks Pist. Serv. HE 76.23 Met. Ofc. Equip.

3.65 Bills Gas. Eng. HE 110.75 Met. Ofc. Equip.

CoHE 4.80 Glasser Elect. HE 230.08 Met. Ofc. Equip. WE 15.75 Sinclair Refining HE.

71.40 Met. Ofc. Equip. CoPCE 2.50 Gr. Co.

Gen. Tire HE 1100 Met. Ofc. Equip. CTA 24.95 Quality Gas HE 120.54 W.

A. Didier, Sons 42.00 Rigsbee Janitor HE 17.50 W. A. Didier Sons 53.50 Marion Saw Serv. HE 1.80 W.

A. Didier Sons RE 375.00 Cent. Kriegbaum Farm HE 83.45 W. Didier Sons AuDE. 422.75 Type.

Sup. HE 1.25 W. A. Didier Sons 224.40 Beek. Roto-Rooter HE 61.25 W.

A. Didier Sons AOE 607.65 Lynn Stone Weesner HE 4.00 Chas. Kilgour AuOE 100 00 Gravel 279.38 Remington Rand AuOE 376.04 Albert HE 2,010.00 Pitney Bowes, Inc. 63.19 Irv Olynger HE 390.00 Tribune Print. 6.00 Bros.

Gravel HE 13.41 Add. Mult. TOE 3.00 Pipe Creek Stone HE 1,446.61 Peerless Print. TOE 3.35 Southall Lumber HE 77.66 Peerless Print ShOE 3.25 Ho. Serv.

Plumb. HE 69.52 Peerless PAE 40.55 Int. Salt Co. HE 660.00 Peerless Print. CoHE 4.85 Dobson Const.

Co. HE 632.15 Martha E. Johnson, 20.00 Sup. Met. Prod.

HE 425.00 Milo Faulkner Sons RE 499.75 Finance Ins. HE 198.84 Feighner-Earn. Ins. 299.61 Williamson Bros. HE 29.24 Bainbridge Print.

RE 27.35 Victor C. Drook COE 1000.00 Bainbridge Print. 25.10 Thos. D. Riley AuDE 1000.00 Bainbridge Print.

AOE 42.50 Lester Yarger TOE 1000.00 Guy Spencer ShOE 56.00 Martha E. Johnson ROE 708.34 Von H. West ShOE 56.00 E. C. Riggs ShOE 1000.00 E.

C. Riggs ShJE 761.95 Edith Fowler AOE 958.33 Central Chev. Co. 47.06 R. Hummel.

M.D. 157.26 Glasser Elect. ShOE 14.26 Glen Herbst CiCE 283.33 Glasser CHE 10.05 Robt. T. Caine CiCE 333.33 Glasser Elect.

CoHE 314.04 Ruth Velasquez CiCE 383.33 Ohio Oil Co. ShOE 3.00 Arthur A. Osburn SCE 333.33 Stand. Oil Co. ShOE 321.93 Margaret A.

Kind SCE 383.33 Stand. Oil Co. CoHE 59.70 A. E. Williams SCE 283.33 Ins.

ShJE 127.03 J. Robt. Charnell CC 18.33 Liniger Co. SE 8.80 Robt. Clouse CC 18.33 Harreld Bros.

CHE 4770.00 Ben. Harold Comer CC 18.33 Bainbridge Print. SE 24.60 A. Crandall CC 18.33 Glasser Elect. SE 9.04 Don Millspaugh CC McNamara's Service SE.

53.12 Otto Guild R. McLain CC 18.33 Beekman Roto-Rooter DF 49.00 Raabe 18.33 Ray W. Carter DF 10.00 Earl Henry FTA 43.75 First Nat'l Bank DF 450.00 Geo. Heinlein DF 400.00 EXPLANATIONS Lincoln Graphic Corp. DF 11.10 OF ABBREVIATIONS So.

Marion Hdwe. DF 1.69 AOE Assessor Office Expense Victor C. Drook DE 13.00 BE AuDE Auditor Office Expense Browne etc. DF 566.95 Bridge Expense Martha E. Johnson DF 4.80 BT Bruccelosis Test Kenneth Hoskins DF 325.50 CAE County Agent Expense Stanton Davis, Ir.

DF 694.87 COADE County Attendance Office Ruckman Hansen BE 7877.42 Expense Mary A. Roush CoAE 41.00 CAOE City Attendance Office Sarah F. Pack CAOE 34.18 Expense Green Guide Co. AOE 24.00 CC County Council Thompson 100.00 County Com. Expense A.

E. Retherford CAE 49.91 CDO Civil Defense Office K. Anderson CAE 42.35 CiCE COAE Circuit Court Expense Grace Kelley, HDA 5.60 CoCE County Attorney Expense Grace Kelley HDA 6.48 County Coroner Expense Mar. News Print. 78.35 CoHE County Home Expense Decker's Inc.

CAE 1.95 CHE Court House Expense Meyer's Jewelry CAE 9.00 Co County Offices Peerless Print. CAE 10.05 COE Clerk Office Expense G. E. Clements HOE 81.36 CoPCE County Plan Com. Ex.

W. M. R'barger HOE 24.16 CTA Center Township Assessor, Freel Mas. Dr. HOE 10.99 DV Change of Venue Geo.

Hickman PAE 76.00 DF DC Dog Catcher A. M. Gross POE 69.60 Ditch Fund Rowena Barley POE 53.20 FB Fox Bounty Nat'l. Crime POE 8.70 FTA FrTA Fairmount Town. Assessor A.

A. Lawyers Co-op SCE CiCE. 15.50 sor Franklin Township AssesOsborn 20.00 Mar. City CHE 93.34 HE Highway Expense Mar. City Water ShJE 131.94 HDA HOE Home Demon.

Expense Mar. City Water OHE 38.68 Health Office Expense CHE 137.76 LF LL Land Fill Hol. Elect. CHE 5.25 Law Library Treber Sheet Metal CHE 86.00 MTA Mill Twp. Assessor Eastern Elevator CHE 15.00 PB OHE Orphans Home Expense Howard Swanger CHE 22.40 Premium Bonds G.

E. Mitchell CHE 29.96 PAE POE Prosecuting Atty. Expense Ripke Elec. Serv. CHE 6.29 PP Public Probation Printing Officer Expense Ripke Elec.

Serv. CHE 37.77 Pear. Henn, Inc. CHE 47.00 RE Registration Expense Qual. Gasol.

Co. CHE 423.45 SB ROE Recorder Office Expense Quality Gas Inc. CHE 487.53 Soldier Burial Palmer Co. CHE 56.90 SOE Service Office Expense Rigs. Serv.

CHE 655.54 SCE SSOE Superior School Court Expense Mar. Correlat. Wind. Prod. Clean.

CHE CHE 118.00 60.00 ShJE Sheriff Jail Supt. Off. Expense Southa. Lumber CHE 27.90 ShOE Sheriff Office Expense Expense Ind. Mich.

CHE 338.40 SE Surveyors Expense Ind. Mich. ShJE 284.00 SI State Institutions Ind. Mich. CoHE 128.00 TB Tuberculosis Hospital Ind.

Ind. Mich. OHE 72.68 TR TOE Treasurer Office Expense Mich. CDO 1.88 Tax Refund R. M.

Hummel ShJE 35.00 WF WE Weightmaster Expense Cent. Ind. Gas ShJE 21.14 Welfare Fund Univer. Elect. ShJE 56.45 Thomas D.

Riley Mar. Hdwe. Co. 9.65 Auditor Grant County Mar. Hdwe.

Co. ShJE 44.08 -March 7 1961. Indiana, Chronicle CLASSIFIED INDEX Card of Thanks In Memoriam Floral Tributes Funeral Directors Cemetery Lots 4 Personal Lost, Strayed or Stolen Automobiles for Sale Trucks for Sale Auto Accessories, Parts Motorcycles--Bicycles 15 Service Stations 16 Business Service Offered 18 TV Sales Service 18A Sewing Alterations 21 Plumbing, Roofing Insurance Bonds 23 Laundering 24 Employment, Female 32 Employment, Male 3 Salesmen 33A Employment, Male, Female Situations Wanted, Female Situations Wanted, Male Business Opportunties Money To Loan. Wanted to Borrow Money Correspondence Courses 42 Instruction Classes Dogs, Cats, Other Pets Livestock 48 Farming Implements 18A Grain Farm Miscellaneous 48C Poultry 49 Articles for Sale 51. Trailers for 51A Trailer Spaces for Rent 51B Boats and Accessories 52 Building Materials 53 Good Things to Eat 57 Machinery and Tools Musical Merchandise 62 Seeds, Plants Flowers 63 Specials at the Stores 64 Wearing Appare 65 Wanted to Buy 66 Rooms with Board 67 Sleeping Rooms 68 Apartments for Rent 74 Business Places for Rent 75 Farm Land for Pent 76 Garages for Rent 76A Houses for Rent TI Furnished Houses for Rent 77A Lakes Resorts 79 Wanted to Rent 81 Moving Storage 81A Brokers in Real Estate Business Property for Sale 82 Farms Lands for Sale 83 Houses for Sale 84 Lots for Sale 85 Lake Property for Sale Suburban for Sale To Exchange Real Estate 88 Wanted: Real Estate 89 NO 4-5111 HE SATURDAY, MARCH 11TH p.m.

1 mile west of Hanfield, Farm Machinery, misc. W. B. Foust, owner, Everett E. Corn, auctioneer.

SAT. March 18, A.M. Complete closeout of Restaurant equipment and real estate. Ann's Diner- So. washington St.

Puckett Swayzee, John Milam, owner; Son, auctioneer. EVERY 18th FRIDAY St. NIGHTp.m.. Auction. E.

18th St. Ralph Cook, owner, operator. EVERY NIGHT 7:30 P.M.. at Puckett's Merchandise Mart, 27th By Pass. Puckett Son, Auctioneers.

FRI. SAT. MARCH 10th 11th. 10:30 a.m. southwest of Fort Wayne miles, State Road 'No.

3. Young Implement Store. Zanesville, Indiana. Hydraulic Press, Power tools, Shop Equip. Floor Jacks.

Testers Machinery. Misc. Fred L. Young, owner. Ellenberger Bros Auctioneers.

SAT. MARCH 11th p.m. mi, south of Upland at Lodges Greenhouse. Household goods and greenhouse supplies. Estate of Robert K.

Lodge. Puckett Son Acutioneers. SAT. MARCH 18TH-1 P.M., 8071 6th Household Sale. Myrtle B.

Hamilton, Estate. Everett Corn, auctioneer. WED. MARCH 22, AT 10:30 A.M. EST at 4-H Fairgrounds Antiques furniture, misc.

Curtis O. Strange Estate, Everett E. Corn, Auctioneer. ANNOUNCEMENTS Death Notices CHARLES, Homer Van Buren. Diggs Funeral Home.

FARRINGTON-Mrs. J.L, 107 6th Street, Jonesboro. Jay Swift. WILSON, Eric Allen El Jay Swift. Marriage Lowell Wagner Hobbs, 1937, Amboy, and Virginia Ann Wolf, 1937, Marion.

Card of Thanks In Memoriam Floral Tributes FUNERAL FLOWERS MARION FLORAL COMPANY 0 31st Meridian Ph. NO 2-2541 Funeral Directors SHAWLEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL Established in 1888 2901 S. Washington Ph. NO 8-8185 NEEDHAM SON 814 We Appreciate, Your Ph. Confidences RAVEN FUNERAL HOME "The HOME For Services" 911 S.

Washington Ph. NO 4-6271 JAY SWIFT Funeral Home Gas City Jonesboro Ph. Gas City OR 44647-OR 4-3877 Serving As We Would Be Served OWEN-WEILERT Funeral 2722 S. Washington NO 4-5765 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MARION CITY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS MARION, INDIANA DATE: March 23, 1961 TIME: 1:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers) City Hall, Marion, Indiana NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PETITION OF Donna Hasty, to operate as Special Use a Beauty lot 1-Block 29 Original Plat of Marion, commonly.

known as 210 East Sixth Street; Marion, Indiana has been set for hearing before the Marion 'City Board of Zoning Appeals at the above stated time, date and place. PHIL A. BOLLER, President Marion City Board of Zoning Appeals ATTEST: Donald B. McMillan, Secretary E-Mar. 7, 1961 Coming Auction Sales Art March 7, 1961 ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Directors Worthy of a Sacred Trust DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE, Inc.

504 W. 3rd St. Phone NO 2-2503 Personal WANT Daily ride from Marion to Anderson and return. Ph. NO 4-1784 after 5 p.m.

KIRBY SWEEPER SERVICES Heavilin 3740 S. Nebraska NOTICE 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than' myself on after this date March 1961 Signed: 1515 So. Miller Ave. Larry Schenkel VAPOR BATHS Massage For Arthritis, Nerves. Colds, Muscular Ailments Reducing Earl.

Mickel, 212 W. 20th NO 4-7659 TAX SERVICE Evenings and weekends. 710 S. Gallatin. NO 2817 or NO 4-4982.

BILLS PRESSING? Let us consolidate your. bills, past due or into one low payment you can afford. Garnishments avoided! For example: IF YOU OWE PAY AS LOW AS $1,000 per week $2,000 per week $3,000 per week REMEMBER THIS IS NOT A LOAN NO CO-SIGNERS NECESSAKY NO SECURITY NEEDED All you need is a sincere desire to get out of debt. Write or call collect. CREDIT ADVISORS, Inc.

303 Gettle Bldg. Ft. Wayne A-4102 FEDERAL State Tax returns prepared. Delmar Rybolt, 237 E. Main.

Gas City Ph. OR 4-5129. BICYCLE Sales Repair. E. Hathaway.

514 W. 9th. NO 4-7487 TAX SERVICE Federal State: 3409 Home Ave. NO 4-1725. NOTICE I will not be responsi ble for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after this date March 7, 1961.

William C. Holt 410 E. Lincoln St. Rummage Sales 7A BIG RUMMAGE All. week, clothes, dishes, tools, lamps, 21" T.V..

Open 9 to 7. 1709 W. 11th. CONTINUED Rummage Sale 1003 S. McClure anytime.

Lost, Strayed or 10 DOG -Black with white spot on chest. Part Scotty. NO. 4-6938. LOST Jefferson Class ring 1962.

Initial N.R. Reward. Ph. WY 2562. LOST-Black tan beagle, 303 W.

50th Ph. OR 4-4396 LOST- -Ladies black billfold either, in Kresge's or vicinity of. 4th Wash, or 5th Boots. Ph. NO 4-9606.

Reward. LOST-Yellow kitten, near N. Wa bash road, NO 4-4470 after p.m. AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 1954 PLYMOUTH-2 door, radio, heater, overdrive, straight stick, new paint job, A1, $225, NO 2-6879. 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne 2-Door, 6-cylinder, Powerglide, radio, heater.

One owner. Only $1,195. SNYDER AUTO Your JEEP Dealer from RCA Ph. OR A 4-5883 1957 FORD Real good, assume. payments, $875, Ph.

NO 4-3274 1954 CHEVROLET REASONABLE 3402 HOME AVE. 1952 MERCURY Good. Cheap. 626 City. 1957 CHEVROLET-210, 2.

Door, V3 over drive, $1095. Fairmount WI 8-3130. 1956 FORD Sunliner ble, and white $550. Phone, OR 4-4505. 1955 Pontiac 2 door hardtop.

Take over payments. Ph. OR 4-2671. 1957 Ford 2-door, hardtop; 1956 Pontiac, '4door hardtop 1955 Dodge 1954 Buick hardtop; 1954 Dodge convertible; 1953 Olds 88; 1951 Buick, standard transmis sion. FRAZIER AUTO SALES, Branson.

Cash For Your Car or Equity MOTORS' 38th Bypass 1015 N. Wash. 1957 CHEVROLET-Station wagon assume payments. Ph. NO 4-1318.

1959-Volkswagon, low mileage. Excellent condition. OR 4-5580. WRECKER SERVICE AAA POWELL SON GARAGED 628 E. Swayzee Ph.

NO 2-7755 1956 PONTIAC Streight stick V-8. Extra good. NO 4-3873. 1960 Immaculate Priced for quick sale. Ph.

NO 2-7800 after 6 or all day Sunday NO CREDIT NEEDED 15 cars to choose from I will carry balance myself SCOTT'S CAR SALES By-Pass at 38th Street Phone OR 4-4860 FOR QUALITY USED. CARSI SEE MOTOR SALES 312 W. 2nd St. Phone NO 4-1574 TINY CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON A NEW OR USED CAR TINY'S CAR SALES 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK Pass at Hi-way 2-Door 6-cylinder, straight trans mission, heater. Low mileage.

Like new. HOLLINGSWORTH MOTORS Inc. North on the Bypass Trucks for Sale 112 THREE 1948 CHEVROLE: Pick-ups. Choice $295 SNYDER AUTO SALES Your JEEP Dealer Across from RCA, Ph. OR 1947 DODGE ton, wit ft.

grain bed hoist. $315. miles north of on 513, mile west. Hayes. 1957 FORD VAN ton, 12 ft.

bed. Excellent ent condition $1400. NO 4-3272. 4 WHEEL DRIVE JEER with cab HAWKINS AUTO SALES 13th ByPass 1950 FORD 6-4-new 16" tires best mechanically, steel utility trailer with racks. Wanted to buy trucks.

JONES AUTO Bypass 13 Service Stations 16 EXPERT MECHANICAL SERVICE On All Make Cars and Use Genuine Factory Parts CENTRAL CHEVROLET, Inc. W. Second St. Ph. NO 4-1275 I 1 1.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.