Into the Brave New Age - Chapter 20 - Wolfprime567 (2024)

Chapter Text

Warfang was quiet…a silent air of mourning hanging over the city as the sky was split by the streaks of golden light that shone down upon the great dragon city still in disrepair. There was an odd peacefulness to everything…the great city was for once deathly still and silent. Not even the sound of construction efforts could be heard throughout the streets, businesses were closed, the guard wasn’t manning the walls, no dragons were darting through the sky above the city. Just…peace, though there was a sad feeling to such a peace being achieved and the purpose behind it even now.

Gathered at the great city’s center was hundreds gathered to bear witness to the ceremony dedicated to the late Ignitus’ passing. Flower petals were cast into the streets below from some of the moles looking on from their homes, watching the parade of participants going through the long pathways directing to the square which surrounded the great Tower of Warfang.

All dragons in the city were gathered in silent, mourning along with many of the moles and the cheetahs who all wished to pay their respects for the late fire guardian…even by just being present, they let their voices be heard on this day at least with merely their presence.

At the forefront of the massive gathering stood a grouping of figures all adorned in red sashes and cloaks in honor of Ignitus’ element of fire. Spyro, Cynder, Sparx (who also had a tiny red sash made for him), Hunter, and Volteer resides on one side of a covered object which stood in between a pair of hedge rows in the grand part beneath the tower. Mason and several other moles stood surrounding the covered object which stood higher than the entire gathered crowd…massive in scope honestly.

On the other side was Magnacia, Ignius, Terrador, and Cyril. All held sad and mournful looks on their faces as everyone gathered for the ceremony. At the forefront of the gathered crowd of those who had come for the sake of simply viewing the ceremony stood Granite with Emera at his side, Galacion, Storm, and Eletara occupying the same side as Emera. Flame, Ember, Typhoon, and Aurula along with her daughter Zephyrra on Granite’s other side.

Not far from the gathering was Nix, Tempest, Ler, Rhadal, and Ulris along with the Warfang Guard who were gathered to silently paying their respects for the fallen guardian. Rhadal had known Ignitus for years, serving alongside the guardians during the war for the longest time. Ulris had never known Ignitus well until he returned to Warfang years after calling for the order to go into hiding.

Terrador was the first to speak and break the deafening silence, clearing his throat before uttering a sound.

“Citizens of Warfang, cheetahs of Avalar, new arrival dragons from the Grove…we thank you for coming to this funeral where we honor the memory of Ignitus…a friend to many, a mentor to even more, a father, a husband…a brother.” Terrador said the last word faintly, no one in the crowd really able to make it out as the earth dragon glanced to the paved ground beneath him for several long moments.

“We’ll now honor Ignitus and his wish for all of his fellow guardians to be memorialized when our time comes…he did not wish to be vain, but we all know that the day we return to the ancestors is inevitable, and Ignitus never wanted myself, Volteer, or Cyril to ever just become a footnote in the history books. Before his passing, he knew we would honor him and prepared to make sure he added his humbleness to the commission which was put in…perhaps another reminder that he was far wiser than I could ever be.” Terrador chuckled some, before giving Mason a nod. The mole and his fellows took several long ropes in hand before giving a tug.

The canvas cover hiding the object came down to the ground, revealing the grand design to the mason guild’s craft. A large statue of Ignitus in a noble pose, sitting on their haunches, wings folded, tail circling along his left flank, head held high crafted by bright masterfully carved stone sitting upon a marble stand. At the crest of the stand was a socket with several open slots left blank…almost by design. To the left and right of the statue of Ignitus was another empty marble stand like it’s own…as if being purposefully left open for more to be added one day. One to the left, and two to the right.

“I now invite the first of our speakers to give their behalf for Ignitus’ passing…beginning with Volteer.” Terrador began, reaching down to a mole who was gathered with several others holding gems of varying shades. “Each speaker will place a gemstone in the crest which has been made in the shape of a heart to represent everyone who Ignitus held nearest and dearest to his heart.” Terrador would turn to Volteer as he offered the electricity guardian a citrine gemstone shaped to make the lower tip of the heart.

Volteer toon the gem and let out a heavy sigh, turning to face the crowd, though his gaze didn’t meet their own, except Tempest and Eletara who gave him encouraging looks…giving him what strength he felt he needed to finally speak.

“What I’ll always remember about Ignitus is the day we met…I was arguing with some other scribe over the theory regarding the nature of something related to space and our relation to it. Truly it didn’t matter…but I remember turning to leave in a fit of anger when they told me off for having my own claims. I just remember Ignitus, a stranger to me at the time, stopping me from leaving the archives and just telling me ‘don’t let others who disagree stop you from seeking out your passions…I’d like to hear your theories myself.’ is what he said to me…that was Ignitus for you. A dear friend who saw to those around him first and foremost.”

Volteer would turn to the crest and placed his gem near the bottom to begin the heart.

“We miss you Ignitus…the realm is darker for your loss.” Volteer couldn’t help a few tears rolling down his cheeks, quickly wiping them away before he’d return to the gathering- unable to really find the words to keep going as he took a seat on his haunches once again, trying his best to hold back the tears for now.

“Cyril?” Terrador turned to the ice guardian, who stood and approached his fellow guardian, being given a sapphire to help add onto the heart as one of the round top edges at the curve.

“Ignitus and I didn’t always see eye to eye on several topics…though I suppose that could be said about me with any of my colleagues. But despite this, I can personally say that this world has never known a stauncher protector…a dragon so devoted to those around him to keep them safe and protected, despite putting himself at risk. When we first became guardians, I thought Ignitus would be a mere hypocrite with his grand ideals…how wrong I was then, time tempered me and I continue to think on his cryptic talk of victory. I see his views more clearly now…and I’m very grateful for the wisdom he passed unto me.” Cyril finished, turning to add his gem to the slots.

“Goodbye, Ignitus old boy, we’ll see you again one day.” Cyril would let out a shuddering sigh as he moved to take his seat within the group at the forefront behind the statues.

“I’ll speak next.” Terrador would speak up again, taking his own gemstone, an emerald gem which shined brightly as he took a deep breath.

“During the war, Ignitus and I both entered the wartime academy together and were members of the same class. We trained together to prepare to enter the war…we became guardian apprentices together…we fight side by side together throughout our entire time in the war. At least, we did until the day I was captured. Still, you could never ask for a better companion to have by your side through the chaos of battle. He asked me to be his Keeper for his wedding, by his side when he and Magnacia married. I still remember that day fondly…Volteer being the greeter becoming a fun jest amongst the lot of us.” Terrador actually cracked a smile, earning some laughs from his fellow guardians, Magnacia, and the crowd before them.

“To this day, I still question Ignitus’ decision to name me as commander of the Guardians and in doing so, making me the driving force of Warfang’s decisions going forward. I only ever believed I should serve as a warrior…that all I could ever do is fight and do battle with the foes of our old kingdom…but he put his faith in me…and while I may not agree with his decision, I can do no less than honor said faith…” Terrador took one last look at the statue once he fitted in his gem. “I will miss you, Ignitus.”

Terrador would turn and move to take a seat again, turning to the others who they had nearby.

“Hunter, Sparx, would either of you like to go next?” Terrador perked a brow. “I’m afraid we didn’t have stones made for you two, but we’d be honored to have you both speak.”

“I can go, then the big cat can too.” Sparx gave Hunter a smile before he flew close to the statue, he had something in his hand, flying toward the head of Ignitus’ statue.

“You know…dragonflies don’t really have big ceremonies like this when our people pass on, but we have our own way to remember those who we lose along the way. I remember the day Spyro and I met Big Red, I could only think ‘dang is Spyro gonna get this big?’ …and then I found myself getting comfortable around him while we were away from home for so long…and that helped, a lot.” Sparx added before uncovering what he had in his hands.

It looked to be a bundle of flowers which he’d gathered, placing them between the statue’s forepaws.

“You were alright, big guy.” Sparx smiled up at the statue, giving it a quick pat before he buzzed to Spyro’s side…faking a cough to hide the fact he was tearing up.

Hunter would move to the forefront of the statue’s stand, retrieving a decorative arrow which was more colorful than any standard arrow which was utilized for its standard use, placing it next to Sparx’s flowers.

“Though I didn’t know Ignitus for very long, we became good friends over the talks we shared together, and he came to me with a very serious task which took great trust in someone he knew for only a few days. He always seemed to be a wise and great leader of dragons and anyone else who lent their strength to the cause. I wish we could have known each other longer, but I am thankful for the time we did share…may the land benefit from your noble sacrifice, fire guardian.” Hunter added solemnly, before turning to find a spot next to the young dragons once again, crossing his arms and giving a stoic look…he was always a little hard to read at times.

Spyro glanced over to the fire dragoness and her son, Magnacia and Ignius seemingly barely able to contain their emotions at this point, tears forming in both of their eyes.

“Terrador?” Magnacia asked, getting the earth guardian’s attention. “…could me and Ignius go next? I’d like Spyro and Cynder to go last simply because I don’t believe my son and I will be able to hold it together much longer.” Magnacia said sadly.

“If Spyro and Cynder are alright with it.” Terrador affirmed, turning to get their input.

“We’re alright with it, Terrador…go ahead.” Cynder said in a supportive tone, though Spyro could tell she was hurting deeply…and so was he.

Spyro had lost someone else on Flash’s level of feeling like a father figure to him, a dragon who taught him how to be a dragon…taught him who he was, what he would become one day, and the responsibilities which would be placed upon him.

Magnacia would take the stand next in everyone’s attention, clearing her throat shakily.

“Ignitus and I met entirely by accident, truth be told. When we went to the academy together, he came to the wrong quarter of the grounds where my class and I were learning herbal healing practices when he was supposed to be in a history class on the other side of the academy district. He desperately needed directions…and I was glad to help him find his way. One thing led to another and he asked to take me out to dinner for an evening.” Magnacia smiled, reminiscing on the memory she was sharing with those gathered.

“I remember well all the wonderful moments we shared together…our wedding, the honeymoon we spend together, our first anniversary…leading all the way to our two-hundred and seventy-seventh anniversary. Ignius’ birth…seeing him start to train Ignius before we had to go into hiding.” Magnacia glanced back at Ignius, giving him a slight smile, tears rolling down her cheeks at this point. Spyro could only admire the strength she had to keep talking despite getting so emotional with the topics she was bringing up.

Magnacia would turn back to the statue, placing a ruby gemstone on the socket, her paw trembling to successfully place the ruby near the center of the heart design.

“Goodbye my l-love…I’ll see you again someday.” Magnacia shuddered, tears falling onto the ground in droplets as she rubbed a paw over the statue’s base. “Thank you all for the kind words so far for my husband’s service.” Magnacia thanked the others before taking a seat next to Ignius, who could barely find the strength to walk towards the statue, his fore and hind paws trembling with every step he took.

He took the ruby gemstone offered, trembling feverously as he tried to find his voice.

“M-m-my father…he – he…I…” He shuddered, tears streaming down his red cheeks…struggling to find the strength to speak. “I wish…he…he…” Ignius tried again, but just couldn’t really break the cracks of his voice as his emotions got the better of him.

For several long moments, he just stood there in silence sobbing, trying to wipe the tears away, feeling so embarrassed about his inability to hold his emotions back.

Spyro was about to move to Ignius’ side to try and offer his support, but movement from the crowd and someone approaching the fire drake made him stop before he got far.

Ignius was stirred when a soft pair of paws wrapped around his back, wings folding around him as well. His tear-filled eyes opened to see icy scales holding close to his bright red ones.

Galacion held him closely, offering her warmth to the fire drake as she did her best to comfort him.

“It’s alright…let it out and fall apart a little…there’s no need to try and act the soldier. For now, be a son…you’re allowed to feel sad.” Galacion said softly, her head moving along his side some more as she embraced Ignius to try and help him regain his composure.

Cyril looked as though he’d barge from the central position behind the statue to intervene with his daughter embracing the fire drake, but the glares he got from both Nix and Magnacia both stopped the ice guardian cold in his tracks. He let out a puff of frost, sitting back down on his haunches once again. Nix nor Magnacia wanted to interrupt the young dragons as they were just given a chance to vent for the first time in days.

Galacion held Ignius there for several long moments, just allowing the young son of Ignitus to shed his emotions, before he pulled away, reaching up to dry the tears away for a moment so he could gather his bearings.

Finally, he turned to the statue of his father and cleared his throat.

“The last time my father and I spoke, he made a lot of promises to me…and deep down I think we both knew that they were promises he couldn’t keep to me and mother. Deep down he knew the war could very easily take a turn for the worse and take his life. Even still, for the years I can remember spending with him, he did everything he could to be a good father. He often told me stories of a time before the war…telling me how it was his dream to give me a world that was no longer ravaged by the war against Malefor.” Ignius glanced over the crowd, to Galacion, to Spyro and Cynder, to his mother…and then back to the statue once more.

“Since the day we went into hiding, I found myself blaming him time and time again. I called him a liar in many ways. I loved him but also found it hard to not resent him for leaving us for so many years…war or no war. I just wanted him to come back to us and act like a father once again, or what I perceived as a father. Mother tried to teach me that there were some things I was just too young to understand.” Ignius glanced at the ground for a long moment.

“Now I realize he just did what any true parent would do. Fight for a better tomorrow and face down any true threat for the sake of helping make a better world. He just tried to give me the world he wanted for me in his own way…facing the worst odds our kind had ever known. In the end, he achieved that dream…even if he isn’t here to see it.” His eyes returned to the sky now. “I love you dad…I’ll see you again, someday. But…I’ll do my best to honor your memory. To be a great fighter…a protector…and maybe I’ll one day be half as good a father as you were.”

Ignius wiped his tears away one last time, placing his ruby at the center of the inlays now, before turning to take his position near Magnacia now. Galacion would return to the crowd near Eletara and Storm as well as Nix.

Cynder needed no indication…she’d allow Spyro to go last, the purple dragon giving her cheek a quick lick before she’d move to the head of the base of Ignitus’ statue, a mole handing her a reflective piece of onyx which had been specially crafted for this moment.

“It’s truly strange…at one point in my nineteen years of living, the majority of it is merely a blur. Like a nightmare I could never wake from no matter how hard I tried. For eleven years after my transformation…I only ever called Ignitus my mission, the ultimate goal…to seal my final victory.” Cynder sighed, glancing around, and noting the looks she was getting from the crowd, worrying some may interrupt for the sake of spiting her. She was almost worried when Aurula looked as though she’d have an outburst, but the guardians all took note of the looks the wind dragoness gave Cynder, making it clear it wasn’t welcome in this moment of honoring the fire guardian.

Cynder’s gaze momentarily met Zephyrra’s gaze, the young dragoness giving her an apologetic look.

Cynder had to wonder…was Zephyrra one of the four eggs which had been taken from the dragon temple? She had that strange sense of familiarity both Spyro and herself held with Flame and Ember…there was an undeniable sense of knowingness.

Perhaps…but for now, that could wait…though it wasn’t like Cynder would be getting anywhere near her for now.

“The first thing I remember after waking from the nightmare was being greeted by the guardians and Spyro in the old temple. I was terrified, afraid that they would all persecute me for what I’d done…and they had every right to harbor such intentions towards me. But Ignitus was the first to speak to me…and the first thing he said to me…was an apology. He apologized to me for failing to protect my egg from Gaul and the apes during the raid. He held no content or disdain towards me for my actions I’d taken against my own will…and just wanted to do right by helping me come to terms with my newfound freedom.” Cynder shuddered, remembering her first day at the temple. Perhaps one of the most nerve-wracking moments of her short life.

“In the end, Ignitus was the first of the guardians to plainly explain that he never gave up on me despite everything which had happened. He believed in me…trusted me to do what was right and wanted to see me succeed. I wish things could be different…but he saved our lives in the end, and in doing so he secured Malefor’s defeat…and I can only hope that wherever he is, he takes comfort in that.” Cynder said with a slight smile, placing her onyx gem into the base design, the heart almost complete except the final curve of the upper left to the heart.

Spyro slumped some, not truly feeling that he was able to truly do justice on Ignitus’ name as the final speaker to complete the heard design at the marble base. But he was quickly reassured when Cynder licked his cheek before following up with a comforting nudge at his side. He glanced to the other side, Sparx giving him a genuine smile now before he took a deep inhale, exhaling softly.

‘Here goes nothing.’ Spyro thought to himself, going towards the statue now, Mason handing him an amethyst gemstone to finish the pattern built into the base. He turned to the crowd, giving them a solemn look before deeply inhaling, exhaling from his nostrils.

“When I first met Ignitus, we found him hiding out in a cave beneath the dragon temple near the swamp…he told me what I really was. A dragon, and not just a dragon…but the purple dragon who was somehow supposed to put an end to the great conflict which had been raging for over a thousand years of brutal fighting. He didn’t know if the prophecy about me could ever come true…but when we reclaimed the temple from the apes, something in him seemed to change that day. Like the flame of a dying brazier relit…his eyes went from dreary regret to genuine happiness. And if I had been given nothing from the entire conflict and my role I played in it…I’d have gladly done it all again to see that shift in his demeanor once more.” Spyro smiled, glancing at the amethyst gemstone for several long moments.

“Ignitus saved me and later Cynder several times…during the temple raid when he saved my egg, from the Terror of the Skies…from Malefor at the end of the war. He had a way of knowing just when to arrive at the right time to help. After leaving the swamp, he felt like the closest thing to a father I could get outside of the swamp after leaving home. I guess he just had that effect on younger dragons, taking them in and making them feel welcomed…special…wanted. With Ignitus, you always knew where you stood and he always made sure those around himself were welcomed.” Spyro smiled, glancing up at the statue now, his turn to shed a few tears.

“Truly…this world will never know one like Ignitus through and through…though that doesn’t mean no one should try. I for one know I’ll do everything I can to live up to his expectations, be the dragon he told me I could one day become…do my duty to the world but also to protecting the entire realm. I can do no less than honor his belief he held in both Cynder and I before his passing.” Spyro glanced over at Cynder now, giving him a sheepish smile.

He inhaled again, sighing softly.

“I just…deep down, I wish I could have back the time we lost. Cynder and I lost three years of our life from inside of a giant crystal, three years I wish we could have had with Ignitus. Even now it still feels like we both left the dragon temple a month ago…instead we woke up to learn entire years had transpired while we were gone.” Spyro smiled, adding the amethyst to the heart design…finally completing it with a deep sigh. “I love you Ignitus…and I’m going to miss you.”

Spyro was able to finally take a cleansing exhale before he took his place next to Cynder again…almost feeling as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, finally being given the chance to vent about Ignitus’ passing. Many tears were shed from the crowd before them…Magnacia and Ignius were once again shedding their own emotions, doing their best to not become a mess following Spyro’s words.

Terrador cleared his throat once again, now that everyone who had been selected to speak had concluded including himself.

“That concludes the statue reveal ceremony…we shall now take to the reception. Food will be brought from the tower for all to share…though I do ask that the square be cleared out ever so slightly so we can make proper arrangements. But please…do not feel too saddened…Ignitus would want us to celebrate his passing and honor him…now then, send word to the moles above in the tower to get set up.” Terrador turned to an attendant who bowed, turning to run up into the great tower of Warfang.

“Incompetence! Shortsightedness! Reckless!” Adimere growled, slamming his horns into the wall of stone marking his dark fortress…far off the edges of the known world once again…how he felt so foolish in this moment, to think his plan would go smoothly in the Ancient Grove.

“I was too hopeful to think the plan was foolproof…I only secured two of the devices and now the third has been lost. How unfortunate.” Adimere hissed, glancing back at the grublins who were gathered all around him.

There was planning to be done.

“Make all preparations, I want what forces we have stretched across the realm to be on the move…but to move in secrecy!” Adimere added with a huff, waving a paw to signal for them to get moving. An orc hero would bow before turning to vanish from the fortress now with their cohort. His gaze then turned to one of his lieutenants, an orc hero a bit larger than all the others, wearing heavy armor crafted with a bit more quality to it than that of the usual grublin arsenal.

“As for you, you shall take on the title of warchief. I want you to gather more battlegroups of grublins under our command, bring more and more to our side. When the day comes for us to emerge, we must be able to prove a genuine fight to the dragon kingdom. Only a substantial force of these creatures will prove sufficient…after seeing their lacking performance at the grove, that rings far truer than I suspected.” He huffed, about to turn away, but he found another order to bring up.

“As well…start reclaiming old sectors the apes once controlled. Dante’s Freezer, the Mountain of Malefor and the old Well of Souls. Have the grublins begin excavating it…Concurrent Skies as well. That place is too pivotal of a stronghold to just let it continue gathering dust. Once these places have been reclaimed, bring me all the scrolls and tomes Malefor once held in secrecy from the apes aside from their kings of the past thousand years. Gaul commanded dark powers…I need to know how.” Adimere finished, turning away from the armored orc hero, who bowed and turned to leave, the newly declared Warchief going to carry out his orders.

Adimere had much to consider…the grublins were only strong in number and when given proper organization. He’d likely need help…including information. He’d need an inside source of some kind…but that matter could wait for now as he gave it some thought.

But then his question was almost answered immediately as he opened the wooden case next to him, revealing the two bronze needle headed objects with wings, studying the first of the two which had struck that earth dragon in the neck, the glass vial now filled with his blood.

“Perhaps that earth dragon could prove a suitable pair of eyes for my purposes. The blood will be a key part of my plans regardless.” Adimere traced a claw over the vial for a moment.

Then his thoughts turned to what the apes had become…oh how he loathed Malefor’s shortsightedness in simply doing away with their old mercenary force. The grublins were created in mass numbers and given a task which was nearly complete thanks to the apes…fools they may have been and greed inspired more than any true loyalty, but that loyalty had been earned by Malefor over the long years of fighting.

Perhaps there was a way to undo the curse of unliving thrust upon the apes, some method to undo Malefor’s ‘gift’ he’d placed on the apes which served him…at least to an extent. Maybe they could never truly be brought back to their original forms, but if they could be given some semblance of their past selves…perhaps they could continue to be an effective weapon for the dark armies once again.

That would likely take time…time and effort which could even take over a year’s worth of preparations. Time would tell if he could manage it, but that wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg for his plans even now.

“The dragonstone…it vanished following Malefor’s defeat. We need to find it before those damnable do-gooders can. Such an artifact could tip the balance even now…and he would be one of the few people left in the entire realm which could successfully manifest the power of the dragonstone. “I’ll need to dispatch grublins to begin searching…”

His thoughts then shifted once more, going back to Cynder and Spyro.

“Even with just an external showing of her power, the dragoness had be nailed to the wall…even if it was apart of my plan. Spyro could likely kill me on his own, but he has one weakness which he’s underplaying…” He’d reach down to grab the other vial of blood, the one which had gotten Spyro in the neck. He observed it, waving one of his claws near the glass.

As if a natural reaction, the blood shifted and flashed dark purple.

“The void knows one of its own…and that purple dragon has been exposed to dark aether as I anticipated. Well…I’ll turn his exposure into his greatest crutch.” Adimere smirked, placing the vial back down.

He rubbed his head some, as if struck by a quick piercing jolt of pain, eyes scrunching some together as he shook away the pain.

“So many plans to undertake…and so much of it will take time. Perhaps my return will be put on hold for an even longer period of time…but to effectively pull this off, all the correct puzzle pieces must come together.” Adimere sighed. “I have made my name remembered…and now I’ll prepare their downfall.” The shadowy dragon would turn to enter the dark fortress, wings extending and stretching some.

“I’m nothing if not patient…after all, I waited for nearly a thousand years to get this chance. I shall not squander it.” He smiled to himself, the doors of the inner sanctum opening for him as he vanished inside as he had for so many long years in his self-exile from the mainland, this island once felt like a prison…now it was his saving grace, able to operate soundly off the edges of the known world on any map. When the day he could truly enact his plans came, the world would quake before him…or it would break.

The door to Spyro and Cynder’s suite would swing open, the two young dragons passing inside of their abode…tired looks on their faces now as they finally returned from the ceremony of Ignitus’ funeral. They half expected to find Sparx fast asleep after leaving the ceremony earlier as they opened the door to the apartment styled home they’d been gifted in a flash of elemental energy as the door unlocked with Spyro letting out a puff of flame.

What they found had them both lock up a moment, halting in their tracks now.

A few pieces of fruit and other various food pieces had been gathered up from the suite, they could tell for the most part…and they spotted the small dragonfly on the balcony, an almost comedically small burlap sack in his hands as he was just hovering there in silence.

Spyro and Cynder exchanged curious looks at one another, before they slowly closed the door behind them, approaching the open door leading to the balcony, Sparx now taking notice of their return to the room.

“Oh…hey you two.” Sparx said in a low tone, as if he was severely deep in thought, hardly able to really consolidate his thoughts into words. “Just…got a lot on my mind.”

“Are you alright, Sparx?” Spyro asked now, giving his dragonfly brother a considerate look, Cynder doing the same as they both took a seat on their haunches, glancing over the evening sky above Warfang, the sun starting to take a turn due west. “You left the reception early without a word.”

“Yeah…sorry about that, just…I kinda…” Sparx fumbled his words a little, before glancing over at the two dragons now, turning to face them both. “I think…I need to leave.”

“Leave? What do you mean leave, Sparx?” Cynder perked a brow, genuine concern in her voice as she asked the question. Spyro’s gaze went glassy in an instant as he let his brother speak again.

“Yeah…I think it’s time I went back to the swamp, y’know? The whole funeral thing kind of put the last nail in the coffin for me, Spy here is gonna do great things but I can’t just…stay here and hover all the time. Mom and Dad, Reina, Spherin…I miss home. Spyro you’ve got Cynder here, all the others you’ve met since the war came to an end, the geezers in the tower. I’ve gotta make something of myself finally.” Sparx shuddered a little.

“I…I’ve been trying to work up the courage to ask you if you felt it was time for you to go home. But now that you’re just here preparing to leave on your own…” Spyro closed his eyes, trying to fight the tears threatening to well up.

“Yeah…this isn’t easy, bro…trust me. But you’ve got your whole life pretty well set up here, buddy...the whole reason I followed you from the swamp was cause the old man told me brothers stick together when things get bad. Well…things are about to get better, at least I think they will. You two…you saw to that. But now that Malefor’s gone, and things are gonna start coming back together…it’s time I went home.” Sparx glanced back to the horizon once again.

“The city’s been stressing me out ever since we arrived…and after going home when we made the excursion to find all those dragons, it reminded me just how homesick I really was, still am. I wanna see Reina again, all our friends in the swamp…we lost three years. Which…isn’t much for you two in the grand scheme of things, but that’s three years off my life too.” Sparx frowned, turning back to Spyro whose eyes had turned more and more glassy.

“You’re right…you need to be at home with mom and dad, with the other dragonflies. It’s just…going to feel…different without having you at my side every day.” Spyro gave his brother a sad smile, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Just…I’m going to really miss you, Sparx.” Spyro shuddered, the two closing in for an embrace as Sparx hugged close to his chest.

Cynder smiled, hovering not far off, but Sparx would glance over and offered for her to join, the dragoness’ own eyes gleaming with some tears as she closed the distance to join in the hug as well.

“Hey…the swamp’s just a few hours of flying away…well, maybe close to a day at the speed a dragonfly flies, but still…I’m not going that far.” Sparx said quietly, shedding a few tears of his own as he was held close by both Spyro and Cynder between their larger forms.

“I can tell you both now…with your bond, you’ll never be too far apart.” Cynder let out a soft chuckle, parting from the embrace to allow them a moment longer. “Take care of yourself, Sparx…we could come by the swamp on a semi-regular basis, if you’d like?” She asked gently.

“Yes…we’ll come by whenever we have the chance to visit back home, I promise.” Spyro wiped some of the tears away as Sparx pulled away from the hug.

“You better…the flight’ll be good for you, help lose some of that weight.” Sparx said, taking the chance to jab at his purple brother once again, turning his gaze to Cynder. “And Cynder…just like I asked you before you two left to fight Malefor, take care of him.”

“I will…always.” Cynder smiled, her words comforting the dragonfly as he’d go to grab the sack he had filled with provisions for the flight ahead.

“Well…I’d better be off before I stall any longer than I already have.” Sparx would sling the bag over his shoulder, hovering a bit past the balcony now before he turned back to them one last time.

“Oh, and one more thing, don’t worry about the creepy guy we met in the grove. If he thinks you two can’t kick his butt, he’s dead wrong. If you could beat the last big crazy guy who wanted to destroy the world, you can beat him.” Sparx smiled, waving to them both.

“Goodbye, Sparx.” Spyro said softly, but Sparx quickly shook his head!

“No, no, no! Not goodbye, that’s too final…just until we meet again!” Sparx said finally, turning and flying off into the distance and the sky ahead, vanishing amongst the golden rays of the evening sun with his bright gold light, leaving Spyro and Cynder alone on their balcony…silence befalling their home as they just watched the dragonfly dart into the distance as he started on his way home…home to the swamp.

Cynder smiled at Spyro, who just shed a few more tears as Sparx vanished from the city in a mere moment…feeling as though he’d already lost his other half, but he was quick to remember that Cynder was there to fill that gap, draping a wing over his back as he just silently vented his emotions.

“I think that took a lot of growing on Sparx’s part to pull off. When first I met you two, the last thing he could probably think about was going home.” Cynder spoke gently, nudging Spyro’s side now. “And at last, the hardest thing he could do was go separate ways at the journey’s end…the end for now, anyway.” Cynder glanced into his amethyst eyes, rubbing a paw along his chin delicately.

“Yeah…I’m proud of him.” Spyro sighed, turning his gaze back to Cynder, but his gaze didn’t take on a more positive reflection, Cynder could tell something was still bothering him…and it wasn’t just Sparx leaving the city behind.

“What’s wrong, love?” She asked, placing herself firmly against his side, leaning against him some as she did whatever she could to make him feel more comfortable in opening up to her.

“I just…I don’t know. Meeting Adimere just has my head going in a loop. We defeated Malefor, just for someone else to take his place and it’s had me asking myself the same question for three days now ever since we got back from the grove.” He reached over to squeeze one of her paws with one of his own, the dragoness giving him a curious look now.

“What question is that?” She asks gently.

“To what end must we keep fighting?” He asked, glancing up to the sky now for several seconds. “How many tyrants will take Malefor’s place and attempt to fill the void of the greatest threat to the realm…how many years from now will we still be fighting the next enemy taking Adimere’s place…and then the next one, and the one after that.” Spyro turned his gaze back to the ground. “How long will the purple dragon have to be seen as the ultimate protector of the realm, called upon to face every. Last. Threat.” Spyro shuddered, glancing at her once again.

“How long will you and I both have to keep fighting? Keep facing down every threat to this world…will we ever truly be given the chance to enjoy the world which we fought to save…the chance to just live.” Spyro sighed, finishing his thoughts and letting Cynder process his words for a long moment.

She opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated for a moment, and finally she found the right words.

“I won’t lie, Spyro…I don’t know. I won’t lie to you and say that things will settle down once we defeat Adimere…we just can’t know that, we can’t tell the future. I want nothing more than to hold you close and just tell you that we’ll get through this, that tomorrow is assured. But I won’t…because if Ignitus wouldn’t do so, I won’t…but I will say this.” She leans over to lick his cheek.

“No matter what…whatever comes our way, I’m with you. From one end of the world to the other, I’ll be by your side. Through thick and thin…I’ll be with you. No matter what the world throws at us, I’m right there to face it down with you.” Cynder smiles, leaning over to kiss him gently on the cheek again.

Spyro just gave her a smile, finally feeling her words at heart.

“Well, if you’re with me, then that will be more than enough. With our new friends, the hope for the future, our new alliance in the kingdom…together we can make real change and help change the future…make it better. We can do good and help see Ignitus’ dream accomplished…a reforged dragon kingdom.” Spyro smiled, leaning in and pressing his head against her own.

“I love you.” He said gently.

“I love you too.” Cynder replied, the two tilting their heads closer before meeting in a gentle kiss beneath the warm sun, the rays raining down atop their scales as they shared that sweet moment together. Perhaps this was the calm before the sun? Who knew really. The future held much uncertainty for the entire realm in this precarious time of unsteady peace.

In that moment though, so long as they had each other’s back, they could overcome all odds.

Deep in the White Isle, the Chronicler was hard at work.

Ignitus was quickly writing down into a book, eloquent feather pen marked in dark ink as he wrote away into the pages before him, dabbing the end of the pen into his ink reservoir.

“So much to write, so much to read! But this age is already off to a thundering start.” Ignitus glanced around as he noted Spyro and Cynder’s books both wide open, passing the last pages which were added, the pictures taking on a new shape as the powers of the Chronicler altered their contents.

In both books was a new art depiction of both Spyro and Cynder standing together on their balcony in Warfang as Sparx ventured back to the swamp.

“Adimere has made himself know, but the heroes which brought about the new age triumphed and will continue to bitterly resist to the very end…to whatever end that may be. Much is still uncertain about what the future holds…but…” Ignitus looked up from his writing to look at the drawings in Spyro and Cynder’s books of them both together.

“So long as our two heroes remain side by side against all odds and can overcome their own challenges…our path is clear…as we enter this Brave New Age.” Ignitus would return to his writing.

A trio of sand grains fell into the bottom end of the hourglass, the passing of time into the new age transpiring in such a simple motion.

Into the Brave New Age - Chapter 20 - Wolfprime567 (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.